Larus armenicus(last update: |
Coordinators: Amir Ben Dov (Israel) Mars Muusse (Netherlands) armenicus 1cy July armenicus 2cy Jan armenicus 3cy Jan armenicus sub-ad Jan armenicus adult Jan |
Phenotypic characterization, taxonomic rank and phylogenetic relationships of Armenian Gull Larus armenicus
Dorit Liebers & Andreas J. Helbig published: Limicola 13-6, 1999 (in German, with English summary) Fig 20: Larus armenicus at Tuz Golu, Turkey, May 1999. Picture: Andreas J. Helbig. This picture should illustrate Type I birds. In most birds at Tuz and Van Golu a white mirror was only present on P10 (79% no mirror on P9), where it covers both inner and outer-web, but some birds showed a limited P10 mirror only on the inner-web (Tuz & Van Golu, n = 232, birds scored from randomly photographed alarming adults over the colony). Double-scorings can not be excluded, using this photograph-method in a flock of gulls. Also, very small P9 mirrors are probably missed in such photographs, and an example may be this very Fig. 20, which should illustrate Type I birds with only a mirror on P10, while the picture may also show a bird with a very small mirror on P9. |