Larus armenicus(last update: |
Coordinators: Amir Ben Dov (Israel) Mars Muusse (Netherlands) armenicus 1cy July armenicus 2cy Jan armenicus 3cy Jan armenicus sub-ad Jan armenicus adult Jan |
Phenotypic characterization, taxonomic rank and phylogenetic relationships of Armenian Gull Larus armenicus
Dorit Liebers & Andreas J. Helbig published: Limicola 13-6, 1999 (in German, with English summary) Fig 21: Larus armenicus, cachinnans and michahellis, wing length plotted against head+bill length. Total head length (head + bill) is plotted against wing length. The data for armenicus consists of two groups: set of 10 birds which were measured at Tuz Golu, and another set of data from Buzun (1993a) whio measured armenicus at Lake Sevan, Armenia. Data set has been split for sexes. Morphometrics |