Gulls in central Russia

(last update: January 2015)

Grzegorz Neubauer (Poland)
Sasha Esergepov (Russia)


Sitniki, Nizjni Novgorod Oblast, Russia (56°26'58.0"N 44°04'57.0"E).

Peat bog, wet swamp habitat, just 15 km northeast of the town Nizjni Novgorod. The aerial view shows numerous small waters and man made ponds creating safe islands for the gulls to breed. In the period 2008-2013 a total of 24 birds have been ringed, of which 23 have colour rings, but none has been recovered so far".

See also: Panov and Monzikov (1999): Intergradation between the Herring Gull Larus argentatus and the Southern Herring Gull Larus cachinnans in European Russia.
In this paper the Sitniki colony is investigated as well (Sitniki colony is termed "Nizhegorodskaya" here, see figure 1 location 5).

below: gull colony at Sitniki, Nizjni Novgorod Oblast, Russia (56°26'58.0"N 44°04'57.0"E). Pictures: Grzegorz Neubauer.

below: ringing locations in central Russia.
1. Bolshoye Boloto
2. Sitniki
3. Cheboksarskye Vdhr
4. Karamyshevo Rybchoz
5. Obalykol Lake
6. Selitba Lake