Gulls in central Russia

(last update: January 2015)

Grzegorz Neubauer (Poland)
Sasha Esergepov (Russia)


dark type adult, early June 2010, Karamyshevo Rybchoz, Chuvashia, Russia (55°52'33.0"N 48°04'05.0"E). Picture: Grzegorz Neubauer.

Alarming adult over the colony. Darkness of upperparts approaches heuglini. or just a shade of grey paler than average. Also much black and less white in wingtip.

P10 small mirror with diffuse grey border on innerweb, broad subterminal black band. Short white tongue on P10. Classic P10 pattern for heuglini (after Buzun, 2001).
P9 no mirror. Black reaches primary coverts on outerweb only.
P8 black does not reach to primary coverts (unlike adult heuglini).
P5 full subterminal band.
P4 full subterminal band.
P3 black on outerweb.
Moult: P1 growing, P2-P10 old. No red on upper mandible.