Larus cachinnans in the Netherlands

(last update: August 16, 2020)


Caspian Gull cachinnans 0.02 adult, May 2023 - March 2024, the Netherlands. Picture: Leon Kelder, Anne Laansma, Thijs Horst & Mars Muusse.

Tarsus ring y-0.02 and logger 6392, ringed as breeding 5CY female Larus cachinnans on April 22 2023 at De Kreupel - nest M13, Holland (5247.00 N 513.00 E). Ringer Kees Camphuysen & Leon Kelder.
See UvA-BITS for logger details.


2023 04 22 De Kreupel eiland M NL 52,8 5,2 C.J. Camphuysen Nest M13 11:47-12:25, HPAIV swab, blood, biometrics, moult, ringed, GPS 6392 attached
2023 04 22 De Kreupel eiland J NL 52,8 5,2 GPS Receiver station colony Preening at roost island after release
2023 04 22 De Kreupel eiland M NL 52,8 5,2 GPS Receiver station colony Quickly returned to nest site
2023 05 21 De Kreupel eiland M NL 52,8 5,2 Camera Trap observation Nest M13, Man Geel 002 (zendervogel!), vrouw Rood K.A en drie jongen (Groen 0/M, 0/N, 0/P)
2023 10 24 visfuik IJsselmeer Grootslag Andijk NL 52,8 5,2 Anne (AJ) Laansma foeragerend bij de vissers die fuiken leegden ten noorden van vakantiepark Grootslag
2023 10 31 off De Ven, Enkhuizen, visfuik NL 52,7 5,3 Anne (AJ) Laansma foeragerend bij de vissers die fuiken leegden, partner rK.A nearby
2024 03 04 De Kreupel NL 52,8 5,2 Thijs Horst Gelokt met brood, geen plaats
2024 05 10 Wervershoof (Vooroever) NL 52,8 5,2 Leon Kelder Found dead. GPS-logger present.

In 2023:
Nest is M13, partner is male adult Larus cachinnans r-K.A.
Red tibia R-KA was ringed as breeding adult male Larus cachinnans on April 23 2021 at IJsselmeer (De Kreupel), Holland (NL 5247.00 N 513.00 E). Ringer Roland-Jan Buijs & Leon Kelder.
Offspring are: g-0|M, g-0|N & g-0|P.
G-0|M was recorded at 30 km distance in winter (January 2024).
G-0|N hasd not been recorded after the breeding season.
G-0|P was found dead at 30 km from the colony, just a few months old in August 2023.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 0.02 adult, March 20-22 2024, from GPS data.

Terrestrial flights.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 0.02 adult, March 04 2024, colony De Kreupel, the Netherlands. Picture: Thijs Horst & Mars Muusse.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 0.02 adult, February 26-28 2024, from GPS data.

Not so much aquatic feeding trips, as well more terrestrial flights.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 0.02 adult, October 01-31 2023, from GPS data.

As the IJseelmeer fishing season remains 'open', fouraging trips on IJsselmeer, feeding primarily on by-catches of fishermen.
Secondary food resource at IJsselmeer: kleptoparasitism (feeding by deliberately taking food from another) on Cormorants.
Bird frequents resting locations as sandy islands of Steile Bank, breakwater near Creil, and energy plant Lelystad.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 0.02 adult, October 31 2023, Enkhuizen. Picture: Anne Laansma.

Feeding on by-catch of fishermen.
Partners y-0.02 and r-K.A together at poles, when fishermen of vessel EH49 empty the nets.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 0.02 adult, October 24 2023, Grootslag Andijk. Picture: Anne Laansma.

Feeding on by-catch of fishermen.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 0.02 adult, April 22 - June 22 2023, from GPS data.

Feeding trips during incubation and chick raising period.
Few terrestrial trips early in the season, but main focus is already on aquatic trips; which intensifies later on.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 0.02 adult, May 21-23 2023, colony De Kreupel - nest M13, the Netherlands. Picture: Leon Kelder - camera trap.

In 2023:
Nest is M13, partner is male adult Larus cachinnans r-K.A.
Red tibia R-KA was ringed as breeding adult male Larus cachinnans on April 23 2021 at IJsselmeer (De Kreupel), Holland (NL 5247.00 N 513.00 E). Ringer Roland-Jan Buijs & Leon Kelder.
Offspring are: g-0|M, g-0|N & g-0|P.
G-0|M was recorded at 30 km distance in winter (January 2024).
G-0|N hasd not been recorded after the breeding season.
G-0|P was found dead at 30 km from the colony, just a few months old in August 2023.