Albert de Jong
Merijn Loeve
Roland-Jan Buijs
Thijs Horst
Leon Kelder
Mars Muusse
Project Info
International trend
National trend
Site characteristics
Breeding biology
Food resources
Nonbreeding season
Breeding species
Hybrid scores
Ring codes
Nests at De Kreupel 2020
nest r-02P4 20
nest y-X804 20
nest D01 20
nest D02 20
nest D03 20
nest L01 20
nest L02 20
nest L03 20
nest M02 20
Nests at De Kreupel 2021
nest r-02P4 20
nest w-201U 21
nest g-XLHD 21
nest r-KA 21
nest r-KB 21
nest r-KC 21
nest r-KD 21
nest r-KE 21
nest r-KF 21
nest r-KH 21
nest r-KJ 21
nest r-KK 21
nest A01 21
nest C03 21
nest C04 21
nest C06 21
nest D01 21
nest D03 21
nest D05 21
nest D06 21
nest D07 21
nest D08 21
nest E01 21
nest H01 21
nest L01 21
nest L02 21
nest L05 21
nest L06 21
nest L07 21
nest M01 21
nest M04 21
nest M06 21
nest Q01 21
Caspian Gull cachinnans K.A adult, April & September 2021, De Kreupel - M,
the Netherlands. Pictures: Debby Doodeman & Merijn Loeve.
You can participate in this project too!
Please send in your observations of colour ringed birds to: |
Red tibia R-KA and metal NLA Arnhem 6.211.436, ringed as breeding adult Larus cachinnans on 23-04-2021 at IJsselmeer (De Kreupel), Holland (NL 5247.00 N 513.00 E) - ringer Roland-Jan Buijs.
02-07-2021 Enkhuizen (Sluizen), Noord-Holland, NL 5.241,00 N 517,00 E colourring read Jeroen Nagtegaal
28-08-2021 Enkhuizen (Sluizen), Noord-Holland, NL 5.241,00 N 517,00 E colourring read Frank Haven
05-09-2021 Enkhuizen (Sluizen), Noord-Holland, NL 5.241,00 N 517,00 E colourring read Debby Doodeman
14-09-2021 Enkhuizen (Sluizen), Noord-Holland, NL 5.241,00 N 517,00 E colourring read Debby Doodeman
21-05-2023 IJsselmeer (De Kreupel), Noord-Holland, NL 5.247,00 N 513,00 E colourring read Leon Kelder
22-05-2023 IJsselmeer (De Kreupel), Noord-Holland, NL 5.247,00 N 513,00 E colourring read Leon Kelder
23-05-2023 IJsselmeer (De Kreupel), Noord-Holland, NL 5.247,00 N 513,00 E colourring read Leon Kelder
In 2023:
Nest is M13, partner is 5CY female Larus cachinnans y-0.02.
Tarsus ring y-0.02 and logger 6392 was ringed as breeding 5CY female Larus cachinnans on April 22 2023 at De Kreupel - nest M13, Holland (5247.00 N 513.00 E).
Ringer Kees Camphuysen & Leon Kelder.
Offspring are: g-0|M, g-0|N & g-0|P.
G-0|M was recorded at 30 km distance in winter (January 2024).
G-0|N hasd not been recorded after the breeding season.
G-0|P was found dead at 30 km from the colony, just a few months old in August 2023.
below: Caspian Gull cachinnans K.A adult, September 05 2021, Enkhuizen,
the Netherlands. Pictures: Debby Doodeman.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans K.A adult, April 23 2021, De Kreupel - M,
the Netherlands. Pictures: Merijn Loeve.
Coordinator: Leon Kelder. Ringers: Roland-Jan Buijs, Leon Kelder & Merijn Loeve.
r[K.A] and metal NLA 6.211.436, Caspian Gull 4+CY male. Breeder of nest M2.
Wing: 461
Head + Bill: 132,0
Bill: 63,0
Bill height: 19,3
Kodak grey scale:
Weight: -
Moult in primaries: P1-P10 old.
