delawarensis Ring-billed Gull(last update:
Coordinators: 1cy June 2cy Jan 3cy Jan adult Jan |
1st cycle (2CY): MarchRing-billed Gull - Larus delawarensis. Description in "Gulls of North America, Europe, and Asia", by Klaus Malling Olsen & Hans Larsson, Princeton University Press. This is a copy of the chapter on Ring-billed Gull, written by Klaus Malling Olsen. "I" in the text refer to the author. If you find any errors, please let me know at marsmuusse at gmail dot com. Ring-billed Gull - Larus delawarensispart 1: IDENTIFICATION of ADULT In first-summer many show pure grey saddle against strongly bleached upperwing with almost whitish midwing-panel. Bill and legs sometimes grow yellower; bill-tip becomes pale from late winter, giving space for the black bill-ring. Common Gull normally has a complete black bill-tip in first-summer. Eye pale from one year of age. Second-winter similar to adult, but with darker outer wing, as primary coverts and alula are dark (pale grey in adult) and the white on the wing-tip is smaller, usually restricted to a small white mirror on P10 (second-year Common Gull has a larger mirror on P10 and often a small one on P9). Settled birds have a darker wing-tip, lacking the white tips of adults. Traces of a dark tail-bar are the rule; many also show scattered dark on secondaries, dark lesser covert bar and dark tips to some underwing-coverts. Such immature characters are much rarer in Common Gull nominate canus, but more frequent in eastern taxa and Mew Gull. Bill often three-toned with grey-green or fleshy base, black ring and paler tip. Some develop the adult bill. Eyes usually pale, but some have eyes predominantly dark until second spring. Legs greyish (not bright yellow as in adult). Second-summer as second-winter before moult into adult plumage, but head white and bill as adult. Third-winter/ summer as adult, but white mirror on P10 smaller and outer primary coverts with narrow dark markings. CONTINUE PART 4: VOICE, of MOULT & DESCRIPTION ADULT |
Ring-billed Gull delawarensis 1st cycle (2CY), March 01 2013, Canaveral National Seashore, FL. Picture: Tammy Karr. |
Ring-billed Gull delawarensis 1st cycle (2CY), March 01 2013, Canaveral National Seashore, FL. Picture: Tammy Karr. | ||
Ring-billed Gull delawarensis 1st cycle (2CY), March 18 2013, Miami beach, FL. Picture: Antonio Silveira. | ||
Ring-billed Gull delawarensis 1st cycle (2CY), March 10 2014, Tinley Park, IL. Picture: Amar Ayyash. | ||
Ring-billed Gull delawarensis 1st cycle (2CY), March 09 2014, Chicago, IL. Picture: Amar Ayyash. | ||
Ring-billed Gull delawarensis 1st cycle (2CY), March 27 2008, Nags Head, North Carolina. Picture: Becky Gregory. | ||
Ring-billed Gull delawarensis 1st cycle (2CY), March 19 2012, Las Vegas, NV. Picture: Mike Levine. | ||