Coordinators: 1cy June 2cy Jan 3cy Jan adult Jan |
Ring-billed Gull delawarensis 70H adult, August 2014 & September 2015, Sandy Point State Reservation, Plum Island, Ipswich, MA. Picture: Steve Arena.Please visit Steve's Flick photostream excellent website for many more images! Blue 70H was banded as an adult in winter (hence no provenance on origin or exact age), on December 19 2013, at Revere, Suffolk County, Massachusetts USA. below: Ring-billed Gull delawarensis 70H adult, September 12 2015, Sandy Point State Reservation, Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts. Picture: Steve Arena.Last stage of the complete moult: P10 still old primary, P6 fully grown. Moult gap in central GC almost closed. below: Ring-billed Gull delawarensis 70H adult, August 28 2014, Sandy Point State Reservation, Plum Island, Ipswich, MA. Picture: Steve Arena.Pre-basic moult: P5 fully grown, P6-P7 growing, P9-P10 old. Head starts to get spotted. |