delawarensis Ring-billed Gull

(last update: 10-03-2014 )

Keith Mueller
Amar Ayyash
Mars Muusse

Index ORG

ring projects

1cy June
1cy July
1cy Aug
1cy Sept
1cy Oct
1cy Nov
1cy Dec

2cy Jan
2cy Feb
2cy March
2cy April
2cy May
2cy June
2cy July
2cy Aug
2cy Sept
2cy Oct
2cy Nov
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3cy Jan
3cy Feb
3cy March
3cy April
3cy May
3cy June
3cy July
3cy Aug
3cy Sept
3cy Oct
3cy Nov
3cy Dec

adult Jan
adult Feb
adult March
adult April
adult May
adult June
adult July
adult Aug
adult Sept
adult Oct
adult Nov
adult Dec

Ring-billed Gull delawarensis adult, March 17 2013, Mendon, Utah. Picture: Ryan O'Donnell.

See Ryan's blog.

In contrast to California Gull, this Ring-billed Gull has much paler inner primaries and outer secondaries, which contrast less than on the California Gull.  Some slight contrast is still evident, so it might take some practice in the field to get a feel for this field mark. Ring-billed Gulls also tend to have less black in the primaries, but there is some overlap in this trait so it should be used only as a supporting character.