Moult in graellsii & intermedius

(last update: 08 december 2003)

Herring Gull argentatus
Herring Gull argenteus
Herring Gull smithsonianus
Great Black-backed Gull marinus
Lesser B-b Gull graellsii / intermedius
Lesser B-b Gull fuscus
Yellow-legged Gull michahellis
Yellow-legged Gull atlantis
Caspian Gull cachinnans
Armenian Gull armenicus
Baraba Gull barabensis
Heuglini's Gull heuglini
Vega Gull vegae
Mongolian Gull mongolicus
Slaty-backed Gull schistisagus
Black-headed Gull ridibundus 
Grey-headed Gull cirrocephalus 
Brown-headed Gull brunnicephalus 
Bonaparte's Gull philadelphia 
Little Gull minutus
Mediterranean Gull melanocephalus
Relict Gull relictus
Audouin's Gull audouinii
Slender-billed Gull genei
Common / Mew Gull canus
Ring-billed Gull delawarensis
Franklin's Gull pipixcan
Laughing Gull atricilla
Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla
Ivory Gull Pagophila eburnea
Ross's Gull Rodosthetia rosea
Sabine's Gull sabini
Great Black-headed Gull ichtyaetus
Sooty Gull hemprichii
White-eyed Gull leucophthalmus
Glaucous Gull hyperboreus
Iceland Gull glaucoides
Thayer's Gull thayeri
Kumlien's Gull kumlieni
Mystery Gulls
Skua's Catharacta / Stercorarius
Terns Sterna
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Peter: "Here is one of the odd moulting birds I come across. This bird was brought in sick to a local wildlife sanctuary in November 2001. This bird had suspended P1 to P5, and in both wings P5 shows obvious fault bars.
Unfortunately this bird soon died, so we will never know if it would have eventually dropped P6 and carried on moulting normally.
I have observed all sorts of unusual primary moult patterns in birds that have obviously undergone stress or sickness during the moulting season. Partially grown feathers are also obvious in sick birds as my next image will show."

Back to arrested / suspended moult in graellsii & intermedius.