adult: June


Last update of this page: 25-07-05 18:14


At the Maasvlakte colonies in the Netherlands (see map), eggs are hatched by the first week of June and many nests contain three nestlings (breeding season 2001 and 2002). Pulli can be found everywhere. First data in 2001 estimate the colonies to be expanded by over 20%, now approximately 40,000 nests at the Europoort location alone (greater Rotterdam district). New colonies arise at plots which are still not occupied by industrial companies. 

In this picture you see female E832, ringed at the nest at Maasvlakte July 1995, now in her 6th summer and raising three pulli. Normally the elder adults occupy the sites used last year(s), as these birds know safety, feeding routes and places, etc. New colonies seem to be occupied by younger adults, as some ring-data suggest. Older LBBGs disturbed from 'ancient' colonies seem to move less far from the places they were forced to abandon. It's interesting to find out whether new colonies abroad are started by relatively young adults.

Raising the pulli is very time consuming and all moult in the wing-coverts is suspended in adults.
In some individuals, head feather moult is started mid-June and only the odd individuals moult coverts at a low pace. 

Counting back from the results of surveys done in August 2001, a small proportion of adult LBBG must have shed inner primaries by June. Last years, we did not collect sufficient material to estimate primary moult scores for this age class in June, so a small survey on 200 adult birds was done. We scored preening and bathing adults from the near colony (several 1.000's breeding pairs). The first estimation was done on arriving birds, checking the age while bathing and check primary moult score again at departure. The table shows the results: 75% of local (!) adult LBBG have still all the primaries old (p1-p10 old) and a small minority of about 20% has started moult with dropping p1.

Primary moult score of adult LBBG June 18 2002, at Dintelhaven colony, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E).
p3 shed 1
p2 shed 11
p1 shed 43
0 shed 145
n = 200.
two birds had p2 shed, while p1 was (almost) fully grown, hence followed a "condensed" moult strategy.

adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. (75836 bytes)12cy LBBG K98, June 17 2002, Papegaaienbek - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed at Maasvlakte as pullus, July 04 1991.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. (68885 bytes)12cy LBBG T88, June 17 & 18 2002, Papegaaienbek - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed at Maasvlakte as pullus, July 08 1991.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. (57378 bytes)10cy LBBG CY5, June 17 2002, Papegaaienbek Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed June 18 1993. Head feather moult has started around the eye.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. (62470 bytes)10cy LBBG MA9, June 17 2002, Papegaaienbek Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed July 01 1993.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. (62054 bytes)adult LBBG NA1, June 17 2002, Papegaaienbek Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed at Maasvlakte as pullus. Still no primaries shed by mid June.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. (72840 bytes)7cy LBBG PP4, June 02 2003, Dintelhaven Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed as pullus June 28 1997, now 7cy. Present from 2001.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. (62058 bytes)adult LBBG TV4, June 18 2002, Dintelhaven Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed as pullus at the Maasvlakte.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. (56483 bytes)10cy LBBG UX2, June 17 2002, Papegaaienbek Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed at Maasvlakte as pullus, June 21 1993.
1827er14.jpg (69521 bytes)8cy LBBG ER14, June 02 2003, Dintelhaven Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed as pullus June 26 1996, now 8cy.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. (90222 bytes)8cy LBBG ES98, June 02 2003, Dintelhaven Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed as pullus June 26 1996, now 8cy.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. 6cy LBBG EU06, June 16 2001, Dintelhaven Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Female, with dark iris, mated with adult male right. Ringed as pullus June 28 1996.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. (49236 bytes)7cy LBBG EAS1, June 02 2003, Dintelhaven Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed as pullus June 24 1997, now 7cy.
mixed pair of michahellis x fuscusYLG (L. michahellis michahellis) 14+cy CU9 & adult LBBG, June 02 2003, Missouriweg - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. 9cy LBBG KC9, June 17 2001, Missouriweg Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed July 07 1993.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. 9cy LBBG KH0, June 26 2001, Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands. Ringed July 07 1993.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. (41422 bytes)9cy LBBG E053, June 02 2003, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed as pullus June 01 1995, now 9cy.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. 7cy LBBG E757, June 17 2001, Missouriweg Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed July 09 1995.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. 7cy LBBG E832, June 17 2001, Missouriweg Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed July 09 1995.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. adult LBBG EC13, June 26 2001, Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. (77018 bytes)8cy LBBG EK85, June 02 2003, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed as pullus July 09 1996, now 8cy.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. (70789 bytes)8cy LBBG EM30, June 02 2003, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed as pullus July 10 1996, now 8cy.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. (66296 bytes)6cy LBBG EY87, June 17 2002, EMO - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed at Maasvlakte as pullus, July 03 1997.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. (61343 bytes)6cy LBBG PL3, June 24 2002, Papegaaienbek - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed at Maasvlakte as pullus, July 1997.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. (70101 bytes)ad LBBG 5.251.194, June 02 2003, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed with a Dutch ring: Arnhem Vogeltrekstation 5.251.194.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. (61397 bytes)15cy LBBG 5.257.218, June 02 2003, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed as pullus July 09 1989, now in 15cy with 3 pulli. Arnhem Vogeltrekstation 5.257.218.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. (57024 bytes)15cy LBBG 5.257.580, June 02 2003, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed as pullus July 09 1989, now in 15cy. Ringed with a Dutch ring: Arnhem Vogeltrekstation 5.257.580.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the Netherlands. (65264 bytes)ad LBBG 5.280.505, June 24 2002, Papegaaienbek - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ringed with a Dutch ring: Arnhem Vogeltrekstation 5.280.505. A dark individual.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in Britain. (61948 bytes)adult LBBG FA 8370?, June 02 2003, Papegaaienbek, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. An adult ringed with a BTO ring: London FA 8370?.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in the U.K. (49422 bytes)adult LBBG GT 75716, June 02 2003, Papegaaienbek, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. An adult ringed with a BTO ring: London GT 75716.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in Belgium. (57581 bytes)adult LBBG ? ?9951, June 02 2003, Dintelhaven, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. An adult ringed with a Belgium ring: Bruxelles ? -?9951.
adult LBBG in June, ringed in Belgium. (74230 bytes)adult LBBG L 92594, June 17 2002, EMO - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. An adult ringed with a Belgium ring, but mistake in reading code. In the colonies at the Maasvlakte different birds with British and Belgium rings are found breeding with local Dutch intergrades.
1195lbbgad.jpg (45022 bytes)Photo 1: adult LBBG, June 02 2003, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Black markings on P10-P3 (outer web). Dark primary coverts.
Photo 2: adult LBBG, June 16 2001, Dintelhaven Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Black on P10 to P3. Dark primary coverts.
Photo 4: adult LBBG, June 16 2001, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Probably a female, showing very neat primary tips.
Photo 6: adult LBBG male, June 17 2001, Missouriweg Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Adult, keeping itself outside the colony.
Photo 9: adult LBBG intermedius, June 17 2001, Missouriweg Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.
Photo 12: adult LBBG, June 26 2001, Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands.
1594lbbgad.jpg (51752 bytes)Photo 13: adult LBBG, June 02 2003, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Female, with extensive red on the upper mandible.
Photo 14: adult LBBG, June 26 2001, Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands. Note the primary coverts, with dark centres and red on the upper mandible.
Photo 15: adult LBBG intermedius(?), June 17 2001, Missouriweg Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Intermedius-like individual with extremely fresh primaries.

Arrested & Suspended Moult in June adult LBBG
suspended moult in adult LBBG in June. (76647 bytes)adult LBBG, June 02 2003, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Active moult in both wings, replacing P7 & P8.