(5 images) LBBG 1cy E56 E May 30 - August 06 2004, Missouriweg - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.
May 30 2004. Pictures Pim Wolf.
Pictures of nest CU9. A-egg hatching, small hole, B-egg hatching small hole, C-egg no scratch. Typical nest with three eggs. Parent male 6cy LBBG, parent female 15+cy michahellis YLG. Breeding success in August: two fully fledged juveniles (A-young and B-young).
Below: LBBG 1cyE56E July 11 2004.
(below: 3 images) LBBG 1cyE56E August 06 2004.
Fledged juvenile Lesser Black-backed Gull x Yellow-legged Gul hybrid E56 red, Young of female CU9 orange (ring turned grey).