lbbg 1cy May lbbg 2cy January lbbg 3cy Jan-April lbbg sub-ad Jan-April lbbg adult January |
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii HRA.S 4CY & 8CY, May 2011 & May 2015, Belgium & the Netherlands. Picture: Peter Adriaens & Merijn Loeve.Ringed as pullus in July 2008 at Zeebrugge, Belgium. Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii HRA.S 4CY, May 28 2011, Zeebrugge, Belgium. Picture: Peter Adriaens.No complete moult: P1-P0 old 3rd gen. Pretty classic graellsii-type bird, with small mirror on P10. Many immature coverts. No black on bill.below: Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii HRA.S 8CY, May 30 2015, Sloehaven - Vlissingen, the Netherlands. Picture: Merijn Loeve.Ringed as pullus in Belgium, now 10CY and breeding in the Netherlands. |