lbbg 1cy May lbbg 2cy January lbbg 3cy Jan-April lbbg sub-ad Jan-April lbbg adult January |
LBBG 1cy: Body mass increment and wing length in juvenile LBBG This page contains two plots to illustrate the variation and pace in growth rate for juvenile LBBG in a year with food shortage (1992) and food abundance (1993) at Terschelling. We also included the plot for Europoort (1992) to illustrate the similarity with Terschelling, the same year. Plots from: Spaans A L, Bukacinska M, Bukacinski D, Swelm N D v. 1994. The relationship between food supply, reproductive parameters and population dynamics in Dutch Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus fuscus: a pilot study. IBN Research Report 94/9, Wageningen,The Netherlands. |