L. f. graellsii H31C December 31 2008, Landfill VRSU de Pinto, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González.
Ringed 3cy graellsii, ringed in N Germany in the Helgoland-Amrum colonies. These colonies fall in the transition zone between continental graellsii "Dutch intergades" and Scandinavian intermedius. Ring-Nr Helgoland 4295679 and PVC H31C, ringed on 02 July 2006 at Amrum / Norddorf , Quermarkenfeuer (54 o 40 ' N 8 o 19 ' E).
Plumage rather adult-like, but with features of 3cy autumn birds, like 3-coloured bill, small tips to outer primaries, with mirrro on P10. Restricted black markings on the tail.
