L. f. graellsii H54A December 17 2006, Landfill VRSU de Pinto, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González.
Ringed 1cy graellsii, ringed in N Germany in the Helgoland-Amrum colonies. These colonies fall in the transition zone between continental graellsii "Dutch intergades" and Scandinavian intermedius. Ringnummer Helgoland 4295608 + H54A yellow, ringed as pullus on 01 July 2006 at Amrum - Nordfriesische Inseln, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland (54.39 N / 08.21 E).
Scapulars replaced, exept lls, which are still juvenile. US: 100%, LS: 75-99%, TOT SCAPS: 75-99%. Wing-coverts and tertials juvenile.
