LBBG rings
lbbg 1cy May
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lbbg 2cy January
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lbbg 2cy Nov - Dec
lbbg 3cy Jan-April
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lbbg adult January
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lbbg adult June
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lbbg adult August
lbbg adult September
lbbg adult October
lbbg adult Nov - Dec
L. f. intermedius J0747 September 23 2010, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. Picture Maarten van Kleinwee & Theo Muusse.
Ringed 2cy intermedius, ringed in Vest-Agder, S Norway. Complete moult finished. Central median and lower lesser coverts replaced in partial autumn moult.
CR-Code Black ring with white code: J0747 LBNW(J0747);RBM
Ringing Centre Stavanger Museum (Norway) Ring number 4228747
Species Lesser Black-backed Gull (intermedius) Larus fuscus intermedius
Sex Unknown Age Pullus Date 02.07 2009 (--:--) Accurate to the day
Place Store Vengelsholmen, Mandal, Vest-Agder, Norway - 57°58'00"N 007°31'47"E
Condition Alive and probably healthy and released by a ringer
Circumstances Intentionally by man - other means (includes trapped, poisoned, ring number read in field etc.). All captures (=ringing data) and recaptures (caught and released).
Hunted, trapped, poisoned intentionally by man (NB: not shot).
Ringer(s) Helberg, Morten - Nilsson, Anna -
Species Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus
Sex Unknown Age 1 cy Date 28.11 2009 (--:--) Accurate to the day
Place Pinto landfill, Madrid, Spain - 40°15'30"N 003°38'10"W
Condition Alive and probably healthy and certainly released
Circumstances Bird identified from something else then the metal ring.
Bird identified from coloured or numbered legring(s).
Observers Juan Martinez, Miguel -
149 Days, 2123 km, 206°
Species Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus
Sex Unknown Age Age unknown Date 02.01 2010 (--:--) Accurate to the day
Place Colmenar Viejo Landfill, Madrid, Spain - 40°39'40"N 003°43'30"W
Condition Alive and probably healthy and certainly released
Circumstances Bird identified from something else then the metal ring.
Bird identified from coloured or numbered legring(s).
Observers Gonzalez, Delfin -
184 Days, 2083 km, 207°
Species Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus
Sex Unknown Age Age unknown Date 09.01 2010 (--:--) Accurate to the day
Place Pinto landfill, Madrid, Spain - 40°15'30"N 003°38'10"W
Habitat landfill site
Condition Alive and probably healthy and certainly released
Circumstances Bird identified from something else then the metal ring.
Bird identified from coloured or numbered legring(s).
Observers Ruiz, Juan M. -
191 Days, 2123 km, 206°
Species Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus
Sex Unknown Age 2 cy Date 23.09 2010 (14:15) Accurate to the day
Place Westkapelle, Walcheren, Zeeland, The Netherlands - 51°32'25"N 003°26'10"E
Condition Alive and probably healthy and certainly released
Circumstances Bird identified from something else then the metal ring.
Bird identified from coloured or numbered legring(s).
Observers Muusse, Theo - van Kleinwee, Maarten -
448 Days, 761 km, 201°
Species Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus
Sex Unknown Age Age unknown Date 14.11 2010 (--:--) Accurate to the day
Place Pinto landfill, Madrid, Spain - 40°15'30"N 003°38'10"W
Condition Alive and probably healthy and certainly released
Circumstances Bird identified from something else then the metal ring.
Bird identified from coloured or numbered legring(s).
Observers Juan Martinez, Miguel -
500 Days, 2123 km, 206°
Species Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus
Sex Unknown Age Age unknown Date 19.02 2011 (--:--) Accurate to the day
Place Alcazar de San Juan landfill, Ciudad Real, Spain - 39°25'43"N 003°13'33"W
Condition Alive and probably healthy and certainly released
Circumstances Bird identified from something else then the metal ring.
Bird identified from coloured or numbered legring(s).
Observers Martín, Gabriel -
597 Days, 2201 km, 204°
Species Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus
Sex Unknown Age Age unknown Date 03.04 2011 (--:--) Accurate to the day
Place Pinto landfill, Madrid, Spain - 40°15'30"N 003°38'10"W
Habitat landfill site
Condition Alive and probably healthy and certainly released
Circumstances Bird identified from something else then the metal ring.
Bird identified from coloured or numbered legring(s).
Observers Juan Martinez, Miguel - Ruiz, Juan M. -
640 Days, 2123 km, 206°
Species Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus
Sex Unknown Age Age unknown Date 09.06 2011 (--:--) Accurate to the day
Place Brennevinsmyra, Mandal, Vest-Agder, Norway - 58°01'04"N 007°30'33"E
Additional information kl 11-14.30
Condition Alive and probably healthy and certainly released
Circumstances Bird identified from something else then the metal ring.
Bird identified from coloured or numbered legring(s).
Observers Helberg, Morten - Jørgensen, Finn -
707 Days, 6 km, 347°
Species Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus
Sex Unknown Age Age unknown Date 11.11 2011 (--:--) Accurate to the day
Place Pinto landfill, Madrid, Spain - 40°15'30"N 003°38'10"W
Condition Alive and probably healthy and certainly released
Circumstances Bird identified from something else then the metal ring.
Bird identified from coloured or numbered legring(s).
Observers Marchamalo, Javier -
862 Days, 2123 km, 206°
