lbbg 1cy May lbbg 2cy January lbbg 3cy Jan-April lbbg sub-ad Jan-April lbbg adult January |
(2 images) LBBG 2cy BLB L-?9892 August 15 2003, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. A 2cy LBBG, ringed in Belgium: Brussels L-?9892. Showing an average moult gap in the primaries: P7 is fully grown and P10 is still juvenile. Secondaries #1-2 are fully grown, S3-7 are growing. Another wave in the secondaries seems to be started from the body outwards. The tail-feathers are almost completely replaced, with R5 still growing, but all other rectrices fully grown second generation. In the wing-coverts, the last phase involves the central greater coverts and lesser coverts in the carpal edge. In the ordinary moult sequence, LBBG finish with about greater coverts #7-8 and the outermost lesser coverts in the upper row. As can be seen in the image, those coverts have been replaced. The visible greater coverts #1-12 are grey-based with an accentuated black shaft streak. Most median coverts have the same pattern, but #5 is still growing and #9 is an old retained second generation feather from the post juvenile moult. The growing median #5 is probably a recent replacement of another post-juvenile feather and is most probably third generation now. In the lower lesser coverts, another post-juvenile second generation feather (#1) can be found. Here, #4 is growing and #5-6 are missing. In the lesser coverts, two bleached brown and abraded post-juvenile second generation feathers can be seen as well. Tertials #-1-3 are grey-based, with the tip of #1 already slightly worn. About 25% of the scapulars is almost plain grey, with a thin black shaft streak. The older lower scapulars are brown. |