lbbg 1cy May lbbg 2cy January lbbg 3cy Jan-April lbbg sub-ad Jan-April lbbg adult January |
LBBG 3cy / 4cy, May 17 2002, Le Portel, NW France. This LBBG is in active primary moult in spring with P7 fully grown and P8 just slightly shorter than P7. Primaries P9-P10 are brown-black, slightly bleached but not heavily worn at the tips. P10 shows a neat rounded tip as can be found in many spring 3cy LBBG. Both P9 and P10 don't show a white mirror and the stage of wear suggests these outer primaries were moulted last autumn. The rectrices are a mix of all white outer tail-feathers and inner rectrices showing extensive dark centres. Note the single old abraded pale brown wing-coverts, which can be seen in the outer median covert row, in the inner greater covert row and in the central lesser coverts. A few scapulars show the same stage of wear and appear bleached brown. Top: From beneath, P10 is all brown-black without any hint of a mirror. Above: From the inner primaries outwards, the primary tips become smaller and the fresh growing P8 has only a faint white tip. Note the third generation secondaries with blackish centres, becoming grey towards the edge and with a broad white tip. Compare the size of this intermedius with the 2cy graellsii and the 2cy michahellis. It's not particularly small and the grey-tone of the back is dark slate-grey. The tail is well in line with what can be expected in 3cy with the outer rectrices completely white and large black central markings on the inner rectrices. The iris is bluish, the bill has a broad black bill-band and the legs are pale yellow. |