lbbg 1cy May lbbg 2cy January lbbg 3cy Jan-April lbbg sub-ad Jan-April lbbg adult January |
Lesser Black-backed Gull 86 3CY, January 27 2010, Tanji beach, The Gambia (1.321,00 N 1.647,00 W). Picture: André de Baerdemaeker.3CY graellsii type bird, red tibia 86 and metal NLA 5.424.218. Ringed as pullus on July 01 2008, at Moerdijk - Noord-Brabant, the Netherlands (5141.00N 436.00E), by ringer Roland-Jan Buijs. Recoveries: Very interesting bird: age provenance 3CY bird (2nd cycle / 2nd winter) with very bold white tips on primaries. Probably in active moult in primaries, reflected by the very adult-like upperparts and much white in tail. In this respect approaching moult sequence and timing of nominate fuscus, but of course upperparts way to pale grey, classic for graellsii birds. |