LBBG 3cy, June 17 2001, Missouriweg - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.
A straightforward second summer (3cy) LBBG, already checking the native colony as 3cy bird. Showing the common moult strategy for the upper-parts. The grey saddle is obvious: fresh grey scapulars contrast with second generation lesser coverts.
Note the jet-black second generation outer primaries, without tips and no mirror on P10. The tail has an obvious black tail band, but the outer rectrices (R6) are moulted and appear white.
Tertial #1 is growing, #2 & #3 are grey and tertials #4 to #6 are brown, worn at the fringes. The inner fourth greater coverts is fresh grey. In LBBG there may be quite random moult in the coverts, but the common strategy starts with the inner greater and median coverts, followed by the complete median covert bar. Most of the other coverts are brown-white and worn, still second generation.
The black marks on the bill are reduced to a very faint band. There is less black than on average for this age-class.