Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius 3cy JJ1A June 24 2013, Noordwijk, the Netherlands.
CR-Code Black ring with white code: JJ1A LBNW(JJ1A);RBM
Ringing Centre Stavanger Museum (Norway) Ring number 4114051
Species Lesser Black-backed Gull (intermedius) Larus fuscus intermedius
Sex Unknown Sexing Method Unknown or plumage Age Pullus Date 11.07 2011 (--:--) Accurate to the day
Place Rauna, Farsund, Vest-Agder, Norway - 58°03'33"N 006°40'10"E
Condition Alive and probably healthy and released by a ringer
Circumstances Intentionally by man - other means (includes trapped, poisoned, ring number read in field etc.). All captures (=ringing data) and recaptures (caught and released).
Hunted, trapped, poisoned intentionally by man (NB: not shot).
Biometrical Wing length: 262 - Weight: 700 -
Ringer(s) Olsen, Knut Sigbjørn -
3cy LBBG from Norway, but graellsii-like moult. Returned from the winter grounds with 2nd generation primaries and secondaries, and only single tail-feathers replaced. Tertials replaced on winter grounds as well. This bird is in its complete moult: P1- P2 missing/growing, P3-P10 old.
