Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius JT0X 3CY, March 08 2014, Ashdod, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov.
CR-Code Black ring with white code: JT0X
Ringing Centre Stavanger Museum (Norway) Ring number 4268100
Species Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus Sex Unknown Sexing Method Unknown Age Pullus
Date 04.08 2012
Place Svarthellaren, Loppa, Finnmark, Norway (
70°21'30"N 021°23'54"E).
Biometrical Wing length: 280 Weight: 835
below: near Loppa, at the island. Picture: Tone Lind.

below: Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius 3cy JT0X March 08 2014, Ashdod, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov.
Intermedius is rare in Israel, but it has to be siad that pale backed Lesser Black-backed Gulls may go unnoticed among the common heuglini in the region.
This bird originate from a breeding colony in N Norway, away from where heuglini breeds. It has a pale grey upperparts and in moult it shows what is known from 2nd winter intermedius. All secondaries and primaries are still 2nd generation and the tail is a mix of 3rd gen and 2x 2nd gen feathers (probably active rectrices moult, as only 9 out of 12 feathers are present; but such tail moult in late winter is known from intermedius - moreover, probably quite common). Note dark bill and overall brown not blackish wing-covert panel.
