lbbg 1cy May lbbg 2cy January lbbg 3cy Jan-April lbbg sub-ad Jan-April lbbg adult January |
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius DKC 4277650 3CY, October 02 2003, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. A 3cy LBBG ringed 4277650 Copenhagen Denmark. Ringed as pullus on June 23 2001 in Mejlo, Kerteminde, Denmark (55.35N 10.37E). Much black on bill, relatively small white tips on the fresh outer primaries P6 & P7 and the old P10 lacking a white mirror. Nevertheless, the upper-parts are all grey and very adult-like. Moult progresses on slow pace: P7 is slightly longer than P6, while P9-P10 are still old. The tail is in active moult, with new white feathers growing in. This bird has the red gonydeal spot confined to the lower mandible and there is black on both mandibles. The iris is white-yellow with dark speckling. The legs are still pink-yellow and the base of the bill is pinkish as well. Note the fine head-streaking concentrated in the lower hind-neck. |