LBBG rings
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lbbg adult January
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Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii H= adult, July 2015 & August 2017, the Netherlands & Portugal. Picture: Merijn Loeve & José Marques.
Blue (white inscription) tibia H= and black ring on other tibia, ringed in breeding season 2014 as breeding adult at this location at Maasvlakte-Europoort, the Netherlands.
Color ring - B[H.=]
Metallic ring - 5502623
EURING code - 05910 -
Right leg (tibia) - Blue ring with a white two alpha-symbol code
Right leg (tarsus) – Metallic ring
Left leg (tibia) - Black ring without inscriptions
Ringer - Roland-Jan Buijs
Age at first ring - > 4 cy - Date - 2014.05.06
Place where ringed - Europoort (Beneluxhaven), Zuid-Holland, NL
Type of bird - Larus fuscus
Age & Sexe - Ad. - male
Date of the sighting - 31.08.2017 - Time - morning
- my sightings/2017 - 1 - total of my sightings: 1
Place - Matosinhos beach, Matosinhos, Portugal
Coordinates: - 41.176885 – 8.693382
Date Location Observer
15-12-2014 Sines (Haven), Baixo Alentejo, PORTUGAL -N.Huig & R. van Oosteroom
08-01-2015 Sesimbra (Strand), Estremadura, PORTUGAL - N.Huig & R. van Oosteroom
09-01-2015 Sesimbra (Strand), Estremadura, PORTUGAL - N.Huig & R. van Oosteroom
11-01-2015 Sesimbra (Haven), Estremadura, PORTUGAL-António Gonçalves
01-05-2015 Europoort (Beneluxhaven), Zuid-Holland, NL-R. van Oosteroom & R.J. Buijs
27-07-2015 Europoort (Dintelhaven), Zuid-Holland, NL- Merijn Loeve
09-03-2017 Sesimbra (Strand), Estremadura, PORTUGAL -Erik Kleyheeg
02-04-2017 Europoort (Dintelhaven), Zuid-Holland, NL - N. Huig & R.J. Buijs
14-04-2017 Europoort (Dintelhaven), Zuid-Holland, NL- Roland-Jan Buijs
16-04-2017 Europoort (Dintelhaven), Zuid-Holland, NL- N. Huig & R.J. Buijs
15-05-2017 Europoort (Dintelhaven), Zuid-Holland, NL- N. Huig & R.J. Buijs
31.08.2017 Matosinhos beach, Matosinhos, Portugal – José Marques
below: Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii H.= adult, August 31 2017, Matosinhos beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques.
Please visit José's FLICKR PHOTO STREAM and also José Blog "Seabirds Portugal".

below: Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii H= adult, July 27 2015, Maasvlakte - Europoort, the Netherlands. Picture: Merijn Loeve.
Sooty plumage by coal dust for a nearby industrial plant.
