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Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii NLA 5.505.659 3CY, July 20 2016, Utrecht, the Netherlands.Metal ring Arnhem NLA 5.505.659, ringed as pullus (sex unknown) on July 07 2014 at Maasvlakte (Papegaaienbekeiland), Zuid-Holland, the Netherlands (5158.00 N 404.00 E). Ringer: Roland-Jan Buijs. Recoveries: Arrested moult: in left wing P9-P10 old, in right wing P10 old and P9 with fresh white tip. Complete moult started now, normal sequence with P1. P1-P2 new fully grown, P3 growing, P4 missing. Obvious immature rectrices and several secondaries with darker centres. Black band on bill. |