Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 6CL9 2CY, January 10 2015, Matosinhos Beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques.
Please visit José's FLICKR PHOTO STREAM and also José Blog "Seabirds Portugal".
Type of bird – Larus fuscus
Plumage – immature
EURING code: 05910
- Rigth leg (tarsus) - Black ring with a white four-alpha numeric code : N[6CL9]
- Left leg (tarsus): Metallic ring: D8508
Initial ringing – 03/07/2014 (Pullus) by Paul Veron
Countries where ringed – SARK, GUERNSEY
Photo Date - 10/01/2015
Local – Matosinhos beach - Matosinhos – Portugal
Tertials and coverts juvenile.
