LBBG rings
lbbg 1cy May
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lbbg adult January
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lbbg adult September
lbbg adult October
lbbg adult Nov - Dec
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii KZ.AN adult, November 15 2016, Torreira beach, Aveiro, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques.
Please visit José's FLICKR PHOTO STREAM and also José Blog "Seabirds Portugal".
Color ring - B[KZ.AN]
Metallic ring - L909953
EURING code - 05910 - www.cr-birding.org/node/1063
Right leg (tarsus) - Blue ring with a white four alpha code
Left leg (tarsus) Metallic ring
Ringer - Eric Stienen (INBO)
Age at first ring - Adult - Date - 2009.05.18
Place where ringed - Zeebrugge (Voorhaven), West-Vlaanderen,Belgium
Type of bird - Larus fuscus
Age & Sexe - Ad. - male
Date of the sighting - 15.11.2016 - Time -
- my sightings/2016 - 1 - total of my sightings: 1
Place - Torreira beach, Aveiro, Portugal
Coordinates: - 40 45 56N 8 42 47W
Date - Location - Observer
18/05/2009 Zeebrugge (Voorhaven), West-Vlaanderen, 18/05/2009 Zeebrugge (Voorhaven), West-Vlaanderen, Belgium INBO (ringer)
04/06/2009 Zeebrugge (Voorhaven), West-Vlaanderen, Belgium Vercruijsse, Harry J.P.
16/09/2009 Matosinhos, Douro Litoral, Portugal Millais, Malcolm
25/03/2010 Zeebrugge (Voorhaven), West-Vlaanderen, Belgium Vercruijsse, Harry J.P.
02/04/2010 Zeebrugge (Voorhaven), West-Vlaanderen, Belgium Vercruijsse, Harry J.P.
20/09/2010 Esposende (Foz do Cávado), Minho, Portugal Barreiro, Alberto Pastoriza
21/09/2010 Matosinhos (Strand), Douro Litoral, Portugal Barreiro, Alberto Pastoriza
12/10/2010 Aveiro (Ria de Aveiro), Beira Litoral, Portugal Voesten, Rob
23/03/2011 Zeebrugge (Voorhaven), West-Vlaanderen, Belgium Vercruijsse, Harry J.P.
06/04/2011 Zeebrugge (Voorhaven), West-Vlaanderen, Belgium Vercruijsse, Harry J.P.
13/04/2011 Zeebrugge (Voorhaven), West-Vlaanderen, Belgium Vercruijsse, Harry J.P.
27/04/2011 Zeebrugge (Voorhaven), West-Vlaanderen, Belgium Vercruijsse, Harry J.P.
18/05/2011 Zeebrugge (Voorhaven), West-Vlaanderen, Belgium Vercruijsse, Harry J.P.
22/06/2011 Zeebrugge (Voorhaven), West-Vlaanderen, Belgium Vercruijsse, Harry J.P.
21/10/2011 Matosinhos, Douro Litoral, Portugal van Nus, Tim
08/11/2011 Praia de Mira, Beira Litoral, Portugal Rock, Peter
09/11/2011 Praia de Mira (Strand), Beira Litoral, Portugal Vercruijsse, Harry J.P.
11/11/2011 Gafanha da Nazaré (Haven), Beira Litoral, Portugal Vercruijsse, Harry J.P.
14/11/2011 Taboeira (Vuilstort), Beira Litoral, Portugal van Nus, Tim
21/03/2012 Zeebrugge (Voorhaven), West-Vlaanderen, Belgium Vercruijsse, Harry J.P.
18/04/2012 Zeebrugge (Voorhaven), West-Vlaanderen, Belgium Vercruijsse, Harry J.P.
30/04/2012 Zeebrugge (Voorhaven), West-Vlaanderen, Belgium Stienen, Eric
16/05/2012 Zeebrugge (Voorhaven), West-Vlaanderen, Belgium Vercruijsse, Harry J.P.
21/05/2012 Zeebrugge (Voorhaven), West-Vlaanderen, Belgium Stienen, Eric
22/05/2012 Zeebrugge (Voorhaven), West-Vlaanderen, Belgium Stienen, Eric
24/05/2012 Zeebrugge (Voorhaven), West-Vlaanderen, Belgium Vercruijsse, Harry J.P.
13/06/2012 Zeebrugge (Voorhaven), West-Vlaanderen, Belgium Vercruijsse, Harry J.P.
29/06/2012 Maasvlakte (Malakkastraat), Zuid-Holland, Netherlands Keijser, Hans
05/09/2012 Zeebrugge (Voorhaven), West-Vlaanderen, Belgium Vercruijsse, Harry J.P.
27/09/2012 São Pedro da Afurada (Foz do Douro), Douro Litoral, Portugal Vidal Meilán, José
15/10/2012 Matosinhos (Strand), Douro Litoral, Portugal Dias, Paulo
18/10/2012 Matosinhos (Strand), Douro Litoral, Portugal Dias, Paulo
04/11/2012 São Pedro da Afurada (Foz do Douro), Douro Litoral, Portugal Vidal Meilán, José
24/09/2013 Oostende (Windmolenwerf), West-Vlaanderen, Belgium François, Roland
28/03/2014 Europoort (P&O), Zuid-Holland, Netherlands Buijs, Roland-Jan
04/04/2014 Europoort (P&O), Zuid-Holland, Netherlands Buijs, Roland-Jan
04/05/2014 Europoort (P&O), Zuid-Holland, Netherlands Buijs, Roland-Jan
01/05/2015 Europoort (Beneluxhaven), Zuid-Holland, Netherlands van Oosteroom, Ronald
30/09/2015 Matosinhos (Strand), Douro Litoral, Portugal Mota, Armando
09/10/2015 Matosinhos (Strand), Douro Litoral, Portugal Oliveira, Inocêncio
07/11/2015 Praia de Mira, Beira Litoral, Portugal Hälterlein, Bernd
08/11/2015 Praia de Mira, Beira Litoral, Portugal Hälterlein, Bernd
09/12/2015 Matosinhos (Strand), Douro Litoral, Portugal Mota, Luís
30/03/2016 Europoort (P&O), Zuid-Holland, Netherlands Buijs, Roland-Jan
26/04/2016 Europoort (P&O), Zuid-Holland, Netherlands Buijs, Roland-Ja
17/09/2016 Katwijk (Binnenwatering), Zuid-Holland, Netherlands Hoeben, Roland-Jan
15/11/2016 Torreira beach, Aveiro, Portugal-José Marques
Ringed as adut. P8>P7.
