Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii R:X5J 2CY, January 02 2015, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques.
Please visit José's FLICKR PHOTO STREAM and also José Blog "Seabirds Portugal".
Type of bird – Larus fuscus
Plumage: 1º. Year
EURING code: 05910
Left leg-Whith ring with a black four-alpha numeric code: W[R:X5J]
Right leg -Metallic ring: EC103321
Initial ringing date – 15/07/2014 (Pullus)
Countries where ringed – The birds are ringed on the Nature Reserve of Lilleau Niges, Re Island, France.
Photo Date - 02/01/2015
Local – Matosinhos Beach, Matosinhos – Portugal
Life history:
15/07/2014-PORTES-EN-RE (LES)France - Gernigon Julien
22/09/2014-SAINT-GILLES-CROIX-DEVIE, France - Paris Serge
02/10/2014-ILE-D'OLONNE (L'), France - Fouquet Michel
03/10/2014-SABLES-D'OLONNE (LES), France - Barzic André
22/11/2014-ONDARROA, Vizcaya, Spain - Valiente A, Rodriguez R, Andres JC, Grande M
02/01/2015-MATOSINHOS, Portugal - Marques José
