Alvaro Jaramillo
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Mars Muusse
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Below you will find a description of Chapter 31 WESTERN GULL Larus occidentalis, as published in one of the best Gull publication: "Gulls of the Americas" by Steve Howell & Jon Dunn.
"we" in the text below refers to the original authors. If any errors occur in this text, please let me know and mail to marsmuusseatgmaildotcom.
PART 1 - summary and distribution
PART 2 - similar species ( this page below)
PART 3 - rarer species
PART 4 - Glaucous-winged Gull X Western Gull
Field identification
Similar species
Western Gull is the only dark-backed large gull normally found in its range, although first-cycle birds can be confused with other West Coast species. Also see hybrid Glaucous-winged Gull X Western Gull account.
Adult Cycle.
Several species of dark-backed large gulls can be confused with Western Gull but have limited range overlap (see Rarer Species). Note leg color, darkness of upperparts, wingtip pattern, and overall structure; in winter, adult Western Gull typically has a bright yellow to orange-yellow bill that sets it apart from most other gulls at that season. Adult voice, including long-call, higher pitched than adult Yellow-footed Gull (but can be similar to second-cycle Yellow-footed). Visit Xeno Canto for voices.
Yellow-footed Gull (Gulf of California) has slaty gray upperparts (Kodak 9-10.5) similar to Southern Western Gull but bill thicker and more swollen tipped (often bulging slightly on culmen as well as distinctly at gonydeal expansion), legs yellow, red gonydeal spot typically larger (reflecting deeper bill of Yellow-footed). Wingtips of Yellow-footed more extensively blackish, often with blackish subterminal marks on P4. Prebasic molt averages 1-2 months earlier than Western Gull and white tips to outer primaries usually much reduced by wear in winter (bolder and fresher on Western).
Yellow-footed Gull livens adult, January 30 2009, La Paz, Baja California, Mexico (Amador). Bill thicker and more swollen tipped that in western Gull. |
Yellow-footed Gull livens adult, March 05 2011, Napolo - Baja California (Tim Melling). Black on P4; white tips worn away. |
Slaty-backed Gull (n. Pacific) has slightly darker upperparts (Kodak 9.5-11.5) than Northern Western Gull, bill less bulbous tipped (and duller yellow in winter, often with flesh pink basally), orbital ring reddish, and head and neck with distinct brownish streaking in basic plumage. Also note Slaty-backed’s broader white trailing edge to secondaries, bolder white tongue-tips and mirrors on outer primaries, and more silvery (less blackish) underside to wingtip (but see hybrid Glaucous-winged Gull X Western Gull).
Slaty-backed Gull schistisagus adult, January 02 2010, Choshi, Japan (Chris Gibbins). Classic adult bird in upperpart tone, overall structure, and bare part colours (though its bill is rather slender). |
Slaty-backed Gull schistisagus adult, December 25 2013, Hokkaido, Japan (Ian Davies). Arrows indicate 'string of pearls', which are the white tongue tips most obvious on P6-P8. |
Lesser Black-backed Gull (widespread, but rare in West) more lightly built and slimmer overall with relatively longer and narrower wings (tail tip falls around tip of P6), slender bill. Legs fleshy yellow to yellow. Adult basic has distinct dusky head and neck streaking, and its duller yellow to fleshy yellow bill often has blackish distal marks; orbital ring reddish.
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius 26CY, September 30 2016, Westkapelle, the Netherlands (Mars Muusse). Elongated rear end. Note development of head streaking by September. Yellow legs. |
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 7CY, June 06 2016, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (Mars Muusse). Coral red orbital ring in summer. Yellow legs. Mirror on P9 not uncommon and often some black on outerweb of P4. |
First Cycle.
Note overall size and structure, bill size and shape, overall dark brown aspect. Also see hybrid Glaucous-winged Gull X Western Gull account.
Western Gull (occidentalis) 1st cycle, November 18 2006, Bolsa Chica, CA (David Marotta). Note the dark mask of a Western Gull and the rather dark plumage including tertials. |
Western Gull (occidentalis) 1st cycle, November 08 2010, Oregon (Hartmut Walter). Dark outer primaries. |
Yellow-footed Gull averages stouter and more swollen-tipped bill, but some are very similar in overall appearance to Southern Western Gull. PA1 molt of Western can include upperwing coverts and tertials on up to 10 percent of wymani (replaced on up to 90 percent of
Yellow/footeds); tail coverts have denser dark barring on Western; legs average brighter pinkish on Western; belly more extensively and cleaner white on Yellow-footed. A few birds, however, may defy specific identification. From Oct./Nov. onward, note that first-cycle Yellow-footed Gulls with extensive PA1 molt, including most upperwing coverts and tertials; recall fresh second-basic Western Gull and other species; note pointed juvenal primaries and all-black tail of first-cycle Yellow-footed, plus its deep and swollen-tipped bill.
Yellow-footed Gull livens 1st cycle, August 09 2010, Salton Sea, CA (Amar Ayyash). Obvious white patch on parts of the belly. |
Yellow-footed Gull livens 1st cycle, August 09 2010, Salton Sea, CA (Amar Ayyash). Dark inner primaries. |
California Gull (w. N. America) averages smaller and more lightly built with relatively longer primary projection, narrower wings, slender bill usually sharply bicolored pink with black tip by early winter. Plumage can be very similar to Western but head and neck usually grizzled with whitish (not solidly dark as typical of Western), forehead and lores often bleach to whitish; A1 scapulars typically more variegated and often with distinct anchor marks (a pattern rare on Western).
California Gull californicus 1st cycle, October 27 2012, New Buffalo, MI (Amar Ayyash). By October already bi-coloured bill and advanced post-juvenile moult, including 2x GC. |
California Gull californicus 1st cycle, July 30 2010, Qualicum Beach, BC (Guy Monty). Juvenile, with dark inner primaries. |
American Herring Gull (widespread) less thick-set with narrower wings, bill less stout and bulbous tipped, typically dull pinkish at base; A1 scapulars often boldly barred pale gray and blackish. Plumage overall gray-brown, less sooty brown than Western. In flight, note pale inner primary panel on upperwings, often more white at base of tail. First-cycle Herrings often have relatively clean-cut bleached whitish head rarely shown by Western.
American Herring Gull smithsonianus 1st cycle, January 07 2012, Merritt Island, FL (Danny Bales). Banded as pullus in 2011 at Portland, ME. Rear scaps still juvenile. |
American Herring Gull smithsonianus 1st cycle, December 07 2013, New Buffalo, MI (Amar Ayyash). Bi-coloured bill. All scaps replaced. |
Thayer’s Gull (mainly w. N. America) smaller with relatively slender bill, upperparts typically with bolder, frostier patterning, brownish black wingtips usually have distinct whitish tips and fringes. Upperwing has contrasting pale panel on inner primaries blending into two-tone outer primaries; tail mostly dark brown.
Thayer's Gull thayeri 1st cycle, January 28 2012, Pacific County, WA (Charlie Wright). Few scapulars replaced for 2nd generation feathers. |
Thayer's Gull thayeri 1st cycle, February 16 2010, Winthrop Harbor, IL (Erik Bruhnke). Note pale windows on inner primaries which continue to the inner webs of the outer primaries. Also note the lack of dark pigmentation on the inner web tips of P1-P4, with just a bit of faint darker on P4. |
Slaty-backed Gull averages less bulbous-tipped bill, plumage paler overall, bill usually blackish through winter. Upperwings show pale panel on inner primaries blending into two-tone outer primaries, tail has white barring at base.
Slaty-backed Gull schistisagus 1st cycle, December 27 2009 - January 04 2010, Choshi, Japan (Chris Gibbins). Bulky bird. Uniform primaries (with none of the strong patterning (spots, bars) so evident in P1-5 of Vega and Herring Gulls of this age) and uniform greater coverts. Plain tertials and simply patterned second generation scapulars. |
Slaty-backed Gull schistisagus 1st cycle, January 31 2010, Choshi, Japan (Gullog). About half of the scapulars replaced. Tail almost completely dark. Much white in GC in this bird give this bird a Vega-look. |
Slaty-backed Gull schistisagus 1st cycle, February 13 2013, Rausu, Japan (Mike Buckland). Bulky bird. Few upper scapulars replaced. Simple tertial pattern. |
Slaty-backed Gull schistisagus 1st cycle, February 13 2013, Rausu, Japan (Mike Buckland). Bulky bird. Few upper scapulars replaced. Simple tertial pattern. Note skirt. |
Lesser Black-backed Gull smaller and slimmer with long primary projection, relatively slender black bill; tail base barred white, with contrasting black distal tail band.
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 1st cycle, November 21 2010, Madrid, Spain (Delfín González). Most scapulars still juvenile, wing-coverts and tertials still juvenile. |
Lesser Black-backed Gull (graellsii) 1st cycle, April 10 2011, Agadir, Morocco (Frode Falkenberg). Post-juvenile moult on winter grounds included all scaps but also several inner wing-coverts and upper tertials. Note dark inner primaries. |
Second Cycle.
Note overall size and structure, bill size and shape, pink legs, incoming slaty gray on upperparts. Also see hybrid Glaucous-winged Gull X Western Gull account.
Western Gull occidentalis 2nd cycle, November 1985, California (Alex Abela). Note pattern on 2nd gen secondaries. Partial autumn moult included some coverts: GC2-3, MC3, LLC4-7 and few LC, which look fresh and are plain grey. |
Western Gull occidentalis 2nd cycle, February 24 2007, Orange Co (John Avise). Broad-winged. All flight feathers 2nd generation. |
Yellow-footed Gull has stouter and more swollen-tipped bill. Its advanced appearance often recalls third-cycle Western Gull, with more-uniform slaty upperparts than second-cycle Western; legs often yellowish. Distinguished from third-cycle Western by deeper and more swollen-tipped bill, usually fleshy yellow to yellow legs; tail mostly black or mixed black-and-white.
California Gull smaller and slimmer with strongly bicolored bill (pink to gray-green basally), incoming medium gray on upperparts, paler gray-green to flesh legs; upperwing has contrasting pale panel on inner primaries.
California Gull californicus 2nd cycle, January 25 2003, Capitola, CA (Jeff Poklen). Classic "grey saddle". 2nd gen flight feathers. |
California Gull californicus 2nd cycle, November 09 2005, Half Moon Bay, CA (Jeff Poklen). Several wing-coverts and the upper tertials included in the partial autumn moult, now more adult-like than other coverts. |
American Herring Gull less thickset with narrower wings, less bulbous-tipped bill; upperparts usually with some to extensive pale gray, and upperwings have more contrasting pale panel on inner primaries.
American Herring Gull smithsonianus 2nd cycle, December 12 2013, Tompkins Co, NY (Kevin McGowan). Still no grey scaps. Limited partial autumn moult, 3rd gen coverts much 2nd gen-like patterned. |
American Herring Gull smithsonianus 2nd cycle, December 08 2012, Lake County, IL (Amar Ayyash). Classic 2nd cycle plumage with pale panel on inner primaries, and mostly dark outer primaries. |
American Herring Gull smithsonianus 2nd cycle, February 22 2013, Circle Beach, CT (Keith Mueller). Scapulars are a mix of old brown and new greyish brown feathers, but there is no sign of any grey adult-like feathers. |
American Herring Gull smithsonianus 2nd cycle, March 05 2012, NH Coast. Picture: Keith Mueller. Classic 2nd cycle plumage with pale panel on inner primaries, and mostly dark outer primaries. |
Thayer’s Gull smaller with relatively slender bill, contrasting pale panel on inner primaries blending into two-tone outer primaries, and incoming pale gray on upperparts.
Thayer's Gull thayeri 2nd cycle, February 24 2009, Vancouver Island, BC (Guy Monty). Delicately built. 2nd generation primaries, pink base of bill and single grey-based feathers in scapular region. |
Thayer's Gull thayeri 2nd cycle, December 08 2012, Lake County, IL (Amar Ayyash). 2nd gen flight feathers, P10 with 'ghost mirror'. Fine vermiculation on the tips of P1-P4. Scapular region almost completely grey, but still intermixed with faint grown feathers. Tail almost completely dark and bill predominantly dark. |
Slaty-backed Gull best told by upperwing pattern, with pale inner primary panel blending into two-tone outer primaries, paler secondaries with less-contrasting white trailing edge, and overall plainer and paler coverts, especially greater coverts; in second summer, upperwings of Slaty-backed often more bleached and paler, contrasting more with dark saddle than on Western.
Slaty-backed Gull schistisagus 2nd cycle, February 13 2013, Rausu, Japan (Mike Buckland). Pale bird on underparts and head. Fresh scapulars indicate upperpart colour of adult plumage. |
Slaty-backed Gull schistisagus 2nd cycle, February 13 2013, Rausu, Japan (Mike Buckland). Dark bird on underparts and head. Fresh scapulars indicate upperpart colour of adult plumage. 2nd gen flight feathers with much dark in tail. |
Lesser black-backed Gull slimmer end longer winged with relatively slender bill; note white tail base with variable black distal band; legs often yellowish by summer.

Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 2nd cycle SV March 29 2009, Madrid, Spain (Delfín González). Classic "grey saddle". Several wing-coverts and the upper tertials included in the partial autumn moult, now more adult-like than other coverts. |
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 2nd cycle, April 28 2012, Belfast, N Ireland (Graham Ekins). 2nd gen flight feathers, except for one pair of rectrices replaced on winter grounds (now white, 3rd gen). Several wing-coverts and the upper tertials included in the partial autumn moult, now more adult-like than other coverts. |
Third Cycle.
Differences much as adult cycle (which see).
continue >>> part 3 - rarer species |
occidentalis Western Gull |