Coordinators: 1cy June 2cy Jan 3cy Jan 4cy / sub-ad Jan adult Jan |
Western Gull occidentalis ... 1st cycle (1CY), August 29 2017, Half Moon Bay, CA., USA. Picture: Alvaro Jaramillo.All of the banded WEGUs with plain color bands, found in California in the past have been from the Southeast Farallon Islands. For every year, they start using a new colour for that cohort. This is a bird from year 'BLACK', birds with hatch year 2017, HY2017. There is also a weird little orange tape attached. They used bits of tape that will fall off in time (given OK by banding lab) for birds that they were tracking for specific monitoring, to separate them from chick banded for other purposes (saturation banding). The latter they do to keep track of cohorts (year classes) of birds from the island. These are the classic banded ones we see out and about here on the coast. Bird in complete juvenile plumage, which started post-juvenile moult in the scaps. |