Larus cachinnans in the Netherlands

(last update: August 16, 2020)


Caspian Gull cachinnans 1CY, June 18 2023, Lelystad colony, the Netherlands. Picture: Thijs Horst & Mars Muusse.

This is the unringed sibling of g[7|N] and g[7|P], from nest PNED-2023 at Lelystad. In 2023: 3 fledged juveniles from nest PNED.

egg sizes & volume 2023
SPECIES NEST A_length A_width A_volume B_length B_width B_volume C_length C_width C_volume TOTAL NEST: known parents?
cach x cach PNED 73,4 52,1 100,32 73,1 50 92,01 68 49,8 84,91 277,24 same as 2022
ring pulli: 9-mei laying A egg: 6-apr hatch A egg: 4-mei
catch: date: metal: darvic: mass: wing: head+bill:
Pullus 18-05-2023 5556405 G-7|N 635 -- 95
Pullus 18-05-2023 5556406 G-7|P 616 -- 92,3
Pullus 27-05-2023 5556405 G-7|N 1030 -- --
PNED nest 136-2022
dam: dam 1 east
location: Visible from N.
breeders: cach x cach
09-04-2023 adult: male unringed cach & female cach yPNED present at location. So search for nest today.
26-04-2023 adult: male unringed cach & female cach yPNED present at location. 
nest: code 136, birds have moved to this location. "136" sprayed on block + blue foam.
eggs: 3x eggs, measured. A 1 mm - float
B 1 mm - float
C 1 mm - float
13-05-2023 adult: cach male.
18-05-2023 pulli: 2 chicks ringed, 3rd not found.
27-05-2023 pulli: 1 chick measured.
18-06-2023 pulli: g-7|P & g-7|N present + unringed sibling. 3x fledged from PNED.
adult: y-PNED present. Unringed male guarding g-7|P.
25-06-2023 pulli: g-7|N alone, g-7|P with unringed sibling.