glaucoides & kumlieni
(last update: October 12, 2011) |
Dave Brown (Canada)
Bruce Mactavish (Canada)
Chris Gibbins (Scotland)
Peter Adriaens (Belgium)
Mars Muusse (Netherlands)
Ringed birds
Iris classification
Primary classification
1cy Aug - Dec
2cy January
2cy February
2cy Mar - Apr
2cy summer
2cy Sept - Dec
3cy January
3cy February
3cy Mar - Apr
3cy summer
3cy Sept - Dec
sub-ad Jan - Apr
sub-ad summer
sub-ad Sept - Dec
adult January
adult February
adult Mar - Apr
adult summer
adult Sept - Dec
banded Iceland Gulls glaucoides & kumlieni
The Canadian Wildlife Service has been colour banding Newfoundland gulls for more than ten years, starting in the early 2000's. Until 2012 it was orange bands with black lettering on Herrings and Great Black-backed Gulls. From 2012 onwards a permit was obtained to colour band Glaucous and Iceland Gulls. In winter 2012 about 20 Iceland Gulls have been colour banded.
Iceland Gull kumlieni get bright yellow bands with two black numeric figures – see the example birds in the thumbnails. We would be very greatful to receive any picture of a bird banded in Newfoundland, if you find one. We like to present pictures of ringed bird, to answer the question of whether pale immatures grow up to be pale adults, and also provide an opportunity to follow wear and fading on known birds through a winter.
Canadian Atlas of Bird Banding
Volume 2: Seabirds, 1921–1995. (Gaston et al., 2008)
Iceland Gull (Larus glaucoides) 43.0
The Iceland Gull is a highly variable species for which taxonomic limits are not well defined. The American Ornithologists' Union (1998) checklist (and supplements through 2006) allows two races within North America: L. g. glaucoides, breeding in Greenland and wintering as far south as the northeastern United States, and L. g. kumlieni, breeding from Baffin Island north to Ellesmere Island and as far west as Coats Island in northern Hudson Bay (Gaston et al. 1986). The species intergrades with Thayer's Gull on northern Baffin Island and Southampton Island (Snell 1989; Gaston and Elliot 1990) and was considered conspecific with it by Godfrey (1986).
Only a small number of Iceland Gulls have been banded in Canada, and only one encounter of a Canadian-banded bird has been reported: a bird banded at Digges Sound, at the northern tip of the Ungava Peninsula, and found dead in its first winter near Burin, Newfoundland (record 1). There is one encounter of a bird banded in Greenland and encountered near Cartwright, Labrador, in November (record 2). If this bird was reared in Greenland, it presumably belonged to the nominate race.
For information on hybridisation, see Hybridization and changes in the distribution of Iceland gulls
(Larus glaucoides/kumlieni/thayeri), by D. N. Weir, A.C. Kitchener and R. Y. McGowan, IN: J. Zool., Lond.(2000) 252, 517-530.

Looking over Diggis Sound, the juncture where the Hudson Strait meets northeastern Hudson Bay close to the northern tip of the Ungava Peninsula, ancient home of kumlieni.
Encounter records: Iceland Gull (as per April 02 2012)
Band Number |
Sex |
Distance |
Duration |
Banding: |
Age |
Location |
Location |
0846-55524 |
U |
2221 km S50°E |
5 mo. |
L |
Aug 08 1982, Digges Sound, NU (62°20'N, 77°40'W) |
January 15 1983, Burin Bay, NL (47°0'N, 55°0'W) |
0003-71045 |
U |
2115 km W |
4 yr. 4 mo. |
U |
July 23 1950, Upernavik, Greenland (72°20'N, 55°30'W) |
November 05 1954, near Cartwright, NL (53°20'N, 55°40'W) |
Age is nestling, bird incapable of sustained flight. "L" in current age codes.
Sex = U, unknown.
Number of birds banded in projects:
Region |
Total Banded |
Northwest Territories |
268 |
Total |
268 |
Total 268 Canadian bandings (1955-1995), 268 banded as pullus in the nest, 16 birds banded 'after hatch year'.

Below, an overview of banded birds over the last decades, by Lancy Cheng. Readings in the winter period at Quidi Vidi Lake.
code: |
HY |
BY |
2012-13 |
2013-14 |
2014-15 |
2015-16 |
2016-17 |
2017-18 |
2018-19 |
2019-20 |
2020-21 |
3T |
2014 |
2014-15 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3U |
2014 |
2014-15 |
1 |
3Z |
2014 |
2014-15 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
A4 |
2010 OE |
2011-12 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
A8 |
2011 |
2011-12 |
1 |
C2 |
2010 |
2011-12 |
1 |
C4 |
2011 |
2011-12 |
1 |
C5 |
2009 OE |
2011-12 |
1 |
E4 |
2011 |
2011-12 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
E6 |
2011 |
2011-12 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
E9 |
2011 |
2011-12 |
1 |
1 |
F3 |
2012 |
2012-13 |
1 |
F5 |
2012 |
2012-13 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
F6 |
2010 OE |
2012-13 |
1 |
F7 |
2012 |
2012-13 |
1 |
H0 |
2012 |
2012-13 |
1 |
H1 |
2012 |
2012-13 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
H4 |
2012 |
2012-13 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
H5 |
2011 |
2012-13 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
H6 |
2010 OE |
2012-13 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
H8 |
. |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
J4 |
2012 |
2012-13 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
K0 |
2012 |
2012-13 |
1 |
K6 |
2013 |
2013-14 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
K7 |
2013 |
2013-14 |
1 |
K9 |
2013 |
2013-14 |
1 |
L0 |
2014 |
2014-15 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
L1 |
2013 |
2013-14 |
1 |
L2 |
2013 |
2013-14 |
1 |
L6 |
2013 |
2013-14 |
1 |
1 |
L9 |
2013 |
2013-14 |
1 |
M2 |
2014 |
2014-15 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
M5 |
2014 |
2014-15 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
M6 |
2014 |
2014-15 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
M7 |
2014 |
2014-15 |
1 |
9 |
13 |
17 |
15 |
14 |
11 |
11 |
11 |
HY = Hatch Year
BY = Banding Year
"2011 OE" = Hatch Year is "2011 or earlier", e.g. in case the trapped bird was already adult. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) A4 adult, January & December 2013, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lisa de Leon, Peter Adriaens & Alvan Buckley. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) A5 2nd cycle (3CY), February 27 2012, St John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Picture: Bruce Mactavish. About 20 kumlieni ringed this winter. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) A6 3rd cycle (4CY), January 24 2013, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Peter Adriaens. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) A8 2nd cycle (2CY)December 18 2012, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lancy Cheng. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) C0 adult, December 24 2014, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Alvan Buckley. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) C2 2nd cycle & 3rd cycle, January 2012 & January 2013, St John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Picture: Bruce Mactavish & Peter Adriaens. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) C4 2nd cycle (3CY), January 23 2013, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Peter Adriaens. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) C8 adult / 4CY?, December 03 2014, Mundy Pond, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Les Sweetapple. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) C9 2nd cycle (3CY), January 23 2013, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Peter Adriaens. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) E3 adult, January 23 2013, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Jan Baert. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) E4 5th - 8th cycle (6CY-9CY), January 2016 - 2019, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lancy Cheng. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) E6 2nd - 13th cycle (3CY-14CY), February 2013 - January 2024, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lancy Cheng. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) F0 1st cycle (2CY), January 24 2013, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Peter Adriaens. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) F3 adult, January 23 2019, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lancy Cheng. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) F5 1st - 6th cycle, 2013-2017, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Frank King, Lancy Cheng, Barry Day & Peter Adriaens. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) F6 adult, December 2013 - January 2015, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lisa de Leon & Alvan Buckley. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) F7 1st cycle (2CY), January 23 2013, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Peter Adriaens. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) F8 1st cycle (2CY), January 25 2013, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Peter Adriaens. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) H0 adult, January 2020 & january 2022, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lancy Cheng. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) H1 1st-2nd-3rd-4th cycle (2CY-4CY), 2013 - 2015, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lisa de Leon, Lancy Cheng, Alvan Buckley & Peter Adriaens. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) H2 1st cycle (2CY), January 24 2013, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Peter Adriaens. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) H4 1st & 4th cycle (2CY, 5CY), February 2013 & February 2016, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lancy Cheng. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) H5 2nd - 10th cycle (3CY - 11CY), 2013 - 2021, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland.
Picture: Lancy Cheng, Frank King & Alvan Buckley. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) H6 adult, January 2015 - December 2017, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland.
Picture: Chris van Rijswijk, Lancy Cheng, Lisa de Leon & Alvan Buckley. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) H8 1st-10th cycle (2CY-11CY), 2013-2022, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Chris van Rijswijk, Frank King, Peter Adriaens, Lancy Cheng & Alvan Buckley. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) J1 1st & 2nd cycle (2CY-3CY), January 2013 & January 2014, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lisa de Leon & Peter Adriaens. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) J2 1st cycle (2CY), January 29 2013, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Peter Adriaens. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) J4 2nd cycle - 10th cycle (2CY-11CY), December 2013 - January 2022, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Alvan Buckley & Lancy Cheng. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) K0 adult, January 16 2016, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lancy Cheng. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) K2 3rd cycle (4CY), January 19 2015, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Alvan Buckley. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) K6 2nd-11th cycle (3CY-12CY), March 2015 - January 2024, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lisa de Leon, Lancy Cheng & Frank King. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) K7 1st cycle (2CY), February 09 2014, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lancy Cheng. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) K9 1st cycle (2CY), February 08-23 2014, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lancy Cheng. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) L0 1st - 4th cycle (2CY-4CY), March 2015 & November 2015 - November 2017, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lancy Cheng & Frank King. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) L1 1st cycle (2CY), February 01-08 2014, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lancy Cheng. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) L2 1st cycle (2CY), January 30 2014, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Barry Day. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) L6 1st cycle (2CY), February 08 2014, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lancy Cheng. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) L9 4th & 9th cycle (5CY & 10CY), January 2017 & January 2022, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lancy Cheng. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) M2 1st-8th cycle (2CY-9CY), 2015-2022, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Chris van Rijswijk, Lancy Cheng, Frank King & Lisa de Leon. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) M5 1st, 3rd & 4th cycle, March 2015, November-December 2016 & November 2017, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lisa de Leon & Lancy Cheng. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) M6 2nd-4th cycle (2CY-5CY), December 2015 - January 2018, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lisa de Leon & Lancy Cheng. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) .. adult, January 19 2017, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Frank King. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) 3T 1st - 9th cycle (2CY-9CY), February 2015 - January 2022, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland.
Picture: Alvan Buckley, Lancy Cheng & Frank King. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) 3U 1st cycle (2CY), March 27 2015, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lisa de Leon. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) 3Z 1st-5th cycle (2CY-5CY), March 2015 - January 2018, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lancy Cheng, Lisa de Leon, Paul Ehlers & Frank King. |
Iceland Gull (kumlieni) metal band adult, January 23 2013, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Jan Baert. |