Larus cachinnans in the Netherlands

(last update: August 16, 2020)

Albert de Jong
Merijn Loeve
Roland-Jan Buijs
Thijs Horst
Leon Kelder
Mars Muusse


Caspian Gull cachinnans 0.03 (was X65C in 2019, then 0.C in 2022) 4CY-6CY, 2022-2024, the Netherlands. Picture: Leon Kelder, Thijs Horst & Mars Muusse.

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Tarsus ring y-X65C and metal Hiddensee EA222865, ringed as pullus Larus cachinnans on June 01 2019 at Kiesgrube Laußig, Germany.
Trapped at the nest, male incubating eggs, on April 29 2022 at nest M6 on island M - De Kreupel, Holland (5247.00 N, 513.00 E).
Metal ring not replaced, but now red tibia ring R-0.C. Ringer: Roland-Jan Buijs. Partner in 2022 was unringed female Larus cachinnans.
Again trapped at the nest, male incubating eggs on April 22 2023 at nest M9 on island M - De Kreupel, Holland (5247.00 N, 513.00 E).
Rings replaced.
Tarsus ring y-0.03 and logger 6395, ringed as breeding 5CY male Larus cachinnans. Ringer Kees Camphuysen & Leon Kelder. See UvA-BITS for logger details.


Ring Year Mm Dd Location   Lat Long Observer   NOTES
X65C 2019 06 01 Kiesgrube Laußig, Germany FRG 51,6 12,6 Hiddensee Bird Ringing Centre Hiddensee Bird Ringing Centre, as chick, yellow X65C deployed, metal ring at the time still 222865
X65C 2020 01 03 Steinhude, FRG 52,5 9,4 Hiddensee Bird Ringing Centre Yellow X65C, metal ring at the time still 222865
X65C 2020 02 04 Braunschweig, FRG 52,3 10,4 Hiddensee Bird Ringing Centre Yellow X65C, metal ring at the time still 222865
X65C 2020 05 01 Zwolle, Overijssel NL 52,5 6,0 Hiddensee Bird Ringing Centre Yellow X65C, metal ring at the time still 222865
X65C 2020 09 22 Oostvaardersplassen, NL 52,5 5,3 Hiddensee Bird Ringing Centre Yellow X65C, metal ring at the time still 222865
X65C 2021 06 02 Döllnitzsee, Sachsen FRG 51,3 12,9 Hiddensee Bird Ringing Centre Yellow X65C, metal ring at the time still 222865
X65C 2021 11 12 Deventer, Overijssel NL 52,3 6,2 Hiddensee Bird Ringing Centre Yellow X65C, metal ring at the time still 222865
X65C 2022 01 13 Grou, Friesland NL 53,1 5,8 Hiddensee Bird Ringing Centre Yellow X65C, metal ring at the time still 222865
0.C 2022 04 29 De Kreupel eiland M NL 52,8 5,2 Leon Kelder Yellow X65C removed and replaced with tibia red 0.C, metal ring at the time still 222865
0.C 2022 05 12 De Kreupel eiland M NL 52,8 5,2 Leon Kelder camera trap nest M6 with partner and three colour-ringed chicks, metal ring at the time still 222865
0.C 2023 04 22 De Kreupel eiland J NL 52,8 5,2 GPS Receiver station Preening at roost island after release
0,03 2023 04 22 De Kreupel eiland M NL 52,8 5,2 C.J. Camphuysen Nest M9 11:53-12:33, swab, blood, moult, ringed, GPS 6395 attached - was Hiddenzee EA222865 tibia red 0.C (re-ringed)
0,03 2023 04 22 De Kreupel eiland M NL 52,8 5,2 GPS Receiver station Quickly returned to nest site
0,03 2023 04 24 De Fluezen, Koudum (F) NL 52,9 5,5 GPS Receiver station morning foraging trip into Friesland, furthest point near Koudum
0,03 2023 06 19 Vooroever Wervershoof NL 52,7 5,1 Jeroen van Assema Reported on yellow as E0-0?
0,03 2023 07 03 De Kreupel eiland E NL 52,8 5,2 Camera Trap observation Photo provided
0,03 2024 03 03 De Kreupel NL 52,8 5,2 Thijs Horst Gelokt met brood, geen plaats

In 2023:
Nest is M9-2023 at island M.
Partner is female Larus cachinnans.
Offspring are: g-0|J, g-0|K & g-0|L.

In 2022:
Nest M6-2022 on island M. Data:

Date: Egg code Height (mm)  Width (mm) Comments Metal NLA Colour ring Wing (mm) Head+ bill (mm) Bill (mm) Mass (gr) Gonys Tarsus Swab no
14-04-2022 A-egg 73.6 50.5 3 eggs
B-egg 73.2 52.4
C-egg 73.6 50.5
29-04-2022 3 eggs
trapped 4CY Caspian Gull EA222865 Red 0.C 472 137.8 67.7 1363 20.1 77.7 1066
Was y-X65C & DEH EA222865
13-05-2022 3 pulli in nest 5623534 Red 2.A 58.9 127
5623535 Red 2.B 59.1 132
5623536 Red 2.D 53.1 88
03-06-2022 1 pullus at nest 5623534 Red 2.A 200.0 104.1 950
23-06-2022 1 juvenile in colony 5623534 Red 2.A 362.0 129.4 1095 1273
12-05 - 14-05-2022 camera trap: Caspian Gull male r-0C
Caspian Gull female

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 0.03 adult, March 03 2024, colony De Kreupel, the Netherlands. Picture: Thijs Horst & Mars Muusse.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 0.03 5CY, November 05-07 2023, from GPS data.

Foraging in Zwanendiep, near two small islands.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 0.03 5CY, April 2023 - November 2023, from GPS data.

Plot left: data for the period between ringing (April 22 2023) and early November.
Plot right: data for the month of October 2023. Trips at river IJssel.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 0.03 5CY, July 03 2023, colony De Kreupel - island E, the Netherlands. Picture: Leon Kelder - camera trap.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 0.03 5CY, April 22 - June 30 2023, from GPS data.

Feeding trips during incubation and chick raising period.
Many trips into SW Friesland, furthest point near Koudum.