Larus cachinnans in the Netherlands

(last update: August 16, 2020)

Albert de Jong
Merijn Loeve
Roland-Jan Buijs
Thijs Horst
Leon Kelder
Mars Muusse


Cachinnans - nest De Kreupel KA 21

General remarks:

  • Eggs: Volume measured by Stonehouse (1964) and Spaans & Spaans (1975), which make comparison possible with data from Texel (Camphuysen pers comm 16.04.2020).
  • Nest on island "M". Nest coded "M02" in season 2021, but renamed after trapping adult, now coded as ring code.
location: April 9th, 2021. April 9th, 2021. .
partner 1: April 23rd, 2021: adult male Caspian Gull cachinnans r-K.A (more images). .
pulli: May 14th, 2021: pullus r[K.0]. May 14th, 2021: pullus r[K.1]. May 20th, 2021: pullus b[D|+].

Visits and data.

Date: details:          
9-4-2021 2 eggs in nest. egg no: width (mm): length (mm): volume (cm3): A egg 50.8 67.0
  B egg 52.1 70.8
23-4-2021 3 eggs in nest. egg no: width (mm): length (mm): volume (cm3): A egg 51.0 67.1
  B egg 52.4 70.8
  52.1 68.9    
Attempt to trap breeding adult. Adult trapped. metal: tibia: wing: head + bill: bill:
Adult male Caspian Gull cachinnans. NLA 6.211.436 Red-K.A 461 132.0 63.0
  mass: moult score: bill height: grey scale: Tarsus: & Swob:
  -- 10x0 19.3 6 73.0 & 1078
14-5-2021 2 pulli in nest. metal: tibia: mass (gr): head + bill: tarsus: NLA 5.556.734 r-K.0 216 69.3 40.3
  NLA 5.556.735 r-K.1 169 62.2 35.8
20-5-2021 3 pulli in direct surrounding of nest. metal: tibia: mass (gr): head + bill: wing: NLA 5.556.734 r-K.0 531 85.9 86.0
  NLA 5.556.735 r-K.1 415 77.7 76.0
  NLA 5.556.762 b-D|+ 513 86.2 84.5