Larus cachinnans in the Netherlands

(last update: August 16, 2020)

Albert de Jong
Merijn Loeve
Roland-Jan Buijs
Thijs Horst
Leon Kelder
Mars Muusse


Herring Gull argenteus 3.Y 1CY, August 2022, De Kreupel - H, the Netherlands & Southwold, England. Picture: Leon Kelder / camera trap & Brian Small.

Tibia red 3.Y and metal NLA 5.623.644, ringed as pullus Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) on 23-06-2022 at colony De Kreupel (IJsselmeer), the Netherlands (NL 5247.00 n 513.00 E), by ringer Leon Kelder.

19-8-2022 Southwold (Strand), Suffolk, ENGELAND 5.219,00 N 141,00 E colourring read Brian Small

Previously, ring r-3.Y was used in nest D1, but that chick died. Data for this nest:

Date: Egg code Height (mm)  Width (mm) Comments Metal NLA Colour ring Head+ bill (mm) Mass (gr)
29-4-2022   3 eggs
13-5-2022 2 eggs & 1 hatching egg
20-5-2022 2 pulli (ringed today) & 1 dead chick in nest 5623584 Red 3.X 66.6 238
5623585 Red 3.Y 64.7 225
17-6-2022 2 large juveniles dead in colony 5623584 Red 3.X
rings will be re-used 5623585 Red 3.Y
30-4 - 13-5-2022 camera trap: male hybrid Caspian x Herring Gull y-X311
female Herring Gull unringed

below: Herring Gull argenteus 3.Y 1CY, August 19 2022, Southwold, England. Picture: Brian Small.

below: Herring Gull argenteus 3.Y 1CY, August 03 2022, De Kreupel - H, the Netherlands. Picture: Leon Kelder / camera trap.