California Gull californicus
(last update:
) |
Alex Abela
John Cant
Mars Muusse
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1st cycle (2CY): May
Living under sunny and marine conditions, the juvenile plumage is ragged and abraded in spring.
Quite commonly, CAGU molt some wing-coverts and/or upper tertials in the post-juvenile molt. They grow these feathers in autumn. By spring, even these replaced coverts may be very worn as well, despite of being one generation later.
PB2 molt in California Gull
By May/June, birds start PB2 molt, which is a complete molt taking the whole of summer to replace all feathers, including the large flight feathers. This PB2 molt commences by dropping P1, after which molt waves progress throughout the feather tracts in the wings in the next couple of months:
- a linear wave from P1 to P10 in the primaries (P10 fully grown as late as by October);
- two molt waves in the secondaries, both starting at the outermost feathers and progessing inwards to meet close to midway (S1 dropped when P6 is growing, to prevent large molt gaps in the wings);
- a transfugal molt in the rectrices, replacing the central tail-feathers first, then working its way outwards to both sides (R1 dropped at about the same time as S1; commonly R5 the last to be replaced);
two molt waves in each of the wing-covert row (GC, MC, LLC), starting the outermost and innermost feathers and progessing inwards to meet close to midway;
- a quite random molt in the Lesser Coverts (LC).
In the very early stage of PB2 molt, when P1 is dropped, this is often far from obvious in resting birds. Still, it is an important moment, as technically speaking birds enter their "2nd cycle" now. In the field it takes a little time to witness the PB2 process going on in any particuar resting bird. Easiest check is on missingcoverts or new inner wing-coverts and the upper tertial. PB2 molt is in progress when very fresh wing-coverts start to appear, easily distinguished from the worn adjacent feathers. Especially in taxa like CAGU, fresh wing-coverts in early summer stand out, as post-juvenile wing-covert molt was finished by autumn and halted throughout winter and early-spring. Therefore, in May, both old juvenile and replaced 2nd generation wing-coverts are far from 'fresh feathers'.

above: California Gull californicus PB2 molt, June 27 2015, San Leandro, CA (John Cant).
Bird in complete moult: P1/P4.
Early stage of PB2 molt, with P1 growing but still not at full length. P2-P3 have been dropped and the outer primaries P4-P10 are still old, worn juvenile flight feathers. In this early stage, all secondaries and rectrices remain old juvenile. Outermost secondary S1 will be dropped once P6 is growing and only P9-P10 are old feathers. By waiting for that moment, birds
remain manouvrable, by preventing a large molt gap to appear in the wing.
When P1 is dropped, this is not immediately apparent in resting birds with closed wings. But when P2-P3 are dropped as well, they also start to shed the median coverts (MC). By the time P1 is growing, soon the innermost fresh MC start to appear, and this is a good indication for rersting birds as well to wait for a bird to preen or to stretch and to check the inner primaries.

above: California Gull californicus PB2 molt, June 16 2018, Pismo beach, CA (Alex Abela).
Bird in PB2 molt, P5 missing, P6-P10 old.
Even if you didn't notice P5 is missing, the wing-covert panel strongly suggests this bird is in active PB2 molt. The very crisp inner wing-coverts (LLC and MC) obviously stand out from the adjacent old worn juvenile wing-coverts. Knowing this bird is in PB molt, technically we should call this "2nd cycle". |
California Gull californicus 1st cycle (2CY), May 31 2017, Pismo beach, California, USA. Picture: Alex Abela. |
California Gull californicus 1st cycle (2CY), May 06 2017, Oceano, California, USA. Picture: Alex Abela. |
California Gull californicus 1st cycle (2CY), May 31 2017, Pismo beach, California, USA. Picture: Alex Abela. |
California Gull californicus 1st cycle (2CY), May 06 2017, Oceano, California, USA. Picture: Alex Abela. |
California Gull californicus 1st cycle (2CY), May 31 2017, Pismo beach, California, USA. Picture: Alex Abela. |
California Gull californicus 1st cycle (2CY), May 31 2017, Pismo beach, California, USA. Picture: Alex Abela. |
California Gull californicus 1st cycle (2CY), May 29 2017, Pismo beach, California, USA. Picture: Alex Abela. |
California Gull californicus 1st cycle (2CY), May 11 2018, Pismo beach, California, USA. Picture: Alex Abela. |
California Gull californicus 1st cycle (2CY), May 11 2018, Pismo beach, California, USA. Picture: Alex Abela. |
California Gull californicus 1st cycle (2CY), May 20 2018, Pismo beach, California, USA. Picture: Alex Abela. |
California Gull californicus 1st cycle (2CY), May 20 2018, Pismo beach, California, USA. Picture: Alex Abela. |
California Gull californicus 1st cycle (2CY), May 30 2018, Pismo beach, California, USA. Picture: Alex Abela. |
California Gull californicus 1st cycle (2CY), May 30 2018, Pismo beach, California, USA. Picture: Alex Abela. |
California Gull californicus 1st cycle (2CY), May 30 2018, Pismo beach, California, USA. Picture: Alex Abela. |
California Gull californicus 1st cycle (2CY), May 07 2017, Pismo beach, California, USA. Picture: Alex Abela. |