California Gull californicus

(last update: 22-12-2016 )

Alex Abela
John Cant
Mars Muusse

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The Peterson Reference Guides


- Steve N.G. Howell / Jon Dunn -

Below is a copy of chapter 24 about California Gull, illustrated with images from this website. "we" in the text below refers to the original authors. If any errors occur in this text, please let me know and mail to marsmuusseatgmaildotcom.

CALIFORNIA GULL (Larus californicus)

previous page PART 2. FIELD IDENTIFICATION (adult & 1c)



Second Cycle.

CALIFORNIA GULL usually attains a mostly to solidly medium gray back by early in its second winter. Thus, second-cycle California can suggest third-cycle plumages of large white-headed gulls and first-cycle plumages of small white-headed gulls. Note that it has a medium gray back, dark eyes, and often a gray-green hue to bill and tibia.


MEW GULL in first cycle can resemble second-cycle California (see above). Second-cycle Mew distinguished from third-cycle California by smaller size, smaller bill, and shorter wings, but plumage and bare parts similar: California more often has black bill ring and can have some orange-red at gonys; Mew usually has black subterminal marks on P4 (sometimes outer web of P3), Whereas P3-P4 typically lack black on California.


RING-BILLED GULL in first cycle can resemble second-cycle California (see above). Second-cycle Ring-billed distinguished from third-cycle California by smaller size and shorter wings; paler gray upperparts with poorly contrasting scapular and tertial crescents; poorly contrasting white trailing edge to upperwing; eyes often pale; and primaries lack distinct white tips at rest and distinct P9-P10 mirrors (often shown by third-cycle California).


AMERICAN HERRING GULL averages larger and bulkier with shorter wing projection, stouter bill; pink legs and bill base lack greenish or bluish hues, and bill rarely so neatly two-toned; eyes often pale; pale panel on upperwing more extensive (on inner 5-6 primaries versus usually 3-4 on California); gray back feathers paler (Kodak 4-5).


THAYER’S GULL typically lacks well-defined saddle, and gray of upperparts averages paler (Kodak 5-6), but some could closely resemble California in plumage: note Thayer’s shorter wing projection, less parallel-edged bill, and pink legs lacking blue-green hues. In flight, extensive pale inner primary panel and two-tone outer primaries of Thayer’s distinctive.


WESTERN GULL larger and bulkier with shorter wing projection, stouter bill bulbous tipped; pink legs lack the greenish or bluish cast often shown by California; bill rarely so neatly two-toned; and gray on upperparts darker (Kodak 8-11).


LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL has extensively blackish bill in winter, more-variegated upperparts, and eyes often pale; gray in upperparts darker (Kodak 9-13); lacks strongly contrasting pale panel on inner primaries.

Third Cycle.

AMERICAN HERRING GULL and LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL differ in much the same ways as do adults (see above and relevant accounts);
note California’s bill size and shape, medium gray upperparts, dark eyes, and gray-green to yellowish legs.





California Gull californicus adult, March 25 2013 , Fremont, California, USA. Picture: John Cant.
California Gull californicus adult, March 11 2018, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 11 2012, Richmond, California, USA. Picture: John Cant.
California Gull californicus adult, March 11 2012, Richmond, California, USA. Picture: John Cant.
California Gull californicus adult, March 11 2012, Richmond, California, USA. Picture: John Cant.
California Gull californicus adult, March 01 2020, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 01 2020, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 01 2020, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 01 2020, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 19 2019, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 19 2019, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 12 2018, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 12 2018, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 12 2018, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 12 2018, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 12 2018, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 12 2018, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 12 2018, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 12 2018, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 12 2018, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 12 2018, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 12 2018, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 19 2017, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 19 2017, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 19 2017, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 19 2017, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 10 2017, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 11 2018, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 18 2018, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 12 2018, Pismo beach, CA, USA. Picture: Alex Abela.
California Gull californicus adult, March 12 2006, Doheney Beach, Orange Co., Ca. Picture: John C. Avise.
California Gull californicus adult, March 05 2006 , Santa Ana River mouth, Orange Co., Ca. Picture: John C. Avise.