Great Black-backed Gull JZL3 (Larus marinus) 2cy: April 19 2002, Le Portel - Boulogne sur Mer, France (50.42 N - 01.34 E).A female GBBG ringed JZL3 from southern Norway: Griserompa midtre, Mandal, Vest-Agder, Norway (58.00 N - 07.24 E). Ringed as a nestling on June 22 2001. A rather common moult sequence and timing for GBBG present by mid April, with all coverts still juvenile and the scapulars moulted to second generation. In case you find blue ringed Great Black-backed Gulls, you can send your information to: Lista Ringing Group, Box 171, 4558 Vanse, Norway or on e-mail clifu@c2i.net. A small survey on 2cy GBBG at Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer in NW France showed nicely the advanced moult in the primaries: