Great Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus)

(last update: July 12, 2015)

Jean-Michel Sauvage (France)
Morten Helberg (Norway)
Nils Helge Lorentzen (Norway)
Mars Muusse (Netherlands)

Great Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus) TC7.T 4cy, September 10 2011, Boulogne sur Mer, France (50.44 N - 01.35 E). Picture Jean-Michel Sauvage.

Bird ringed on January 09 2010 by the Thames Ringing Group.

Pitsea - 09/01/2010: A really good start to 2010 after a poor first half to the winter. The tip was full of birds and due to the cold conditions they were hungry. At first there were too many birds and safety was a problem. However, after about half an hour birds settled down and we were able to take a catch. We did not realise quite how big it was until we ran out of sacks with about 20 Herring Gulls still under the net. We ringed these birds direct from the net and took everything else off the tip and into the workshop to process. After processing we were really pleased with the number of big gulls in the catch.
Species Ringed Retraps Controls Colour ringed
Black-headed Gull 27 (mouette rieuse)
Common Gull 2 (goéland cendré)
Lesser Black-backed Gull 5 (goéland brun)
Yellow-legged Gull 1 (goéland leucophée)
Herring Gull 235 (goéland argenté)
Great Black-backed Gull 55 (goéland marin)

below: marinus TC7.T 4cy, September 10 2011, Boulogne sur Mer, France (50.44 N - 01.35 E). Picture Jean-Michel Sauvage.

Complete moult started, which can be seen in the recently replaced mc and growing upper tertials. Bird probably replacing inner primaries as well.