Great Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus)

(last update: July 12, 2015)

Jean-Michel Sauvage (France)
Morten Helberg (Norway)
Nils Helge Lorentzen (Norway)
Mars Muusse (Netherlands)

Great Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus) JD28 7cy & 13cy: October 2004 & 2010, Westkapelle, the Netherlands (51.33 N - 03.25 E). Pictures Pim Wolf & Ies Meulmeester.

CR-Code Blue with black code        JD28  Ringing Centre     Oslo  Ringnumber  OA04035  Ringer   Nils Helge Lorentzen
Species  Great Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus)  Sex      X  Age      Pull  Date  11.07.1998
Place  Thorsholmen, Lyngdal,Vest-Agder, NORWAY  Co-ordinates  58.00 N - 06.58 E

  18.10.2002 Westkapelle, Walcheren, Zeeland, NETHERLANDS 51.32 N - 03.26 E     Pim Wolf 
  28.11.2002 Westkapelle, Walcheren, Zeeland, NETHERLANDS 51.32 N - 03.26 E     Pim Wolf
  19.10.2004 Westkapelle, Walcheren, Zeeland, NETHERLANDS 51.32 N - 03.26 E     Pim Wolf

below: JD28 7cy: October 19 2004, Westkapelle.

An adult Scandinavian Great Black-backed Gull with primary P7 fully grown and no old primaries left. Note pigmentation in the iris and black on the lower mandible.

below: JD28 13cy: October 27 2010, Westkapelle.

P8 fully grown.

below: JD28 13cy: November 02 2010, Westkapelle.

P8 fully grown.

below: JD28 13cy: November 04 2010, Westkapelle.

P8 fully grown, P9 an inch short.