glaucoides - kumlieni(last update: January 26, 2012) |
Iceland Gull (glaucoides) 1cy-2cy, 2011-2012, Neeltje Jans, the Netherlands. Pictures: Kris de Rouck & Edward Minnaar, Pim Wolf, Marcel Klootwijk.Age 1st winter: showing dark bill with pale base, dark iris, arrow points at primaries and juvenile plumage. present for more than a month. Primary category: -- below: 1cy, December 20 2011, Neeltje Jans, the Netherlands. Pictures: Edward Minnaar.Slight contrast in shade of grey-brown on primaries, with outer-webs of outer primaries darker than the inners (which advocates kumlieni). On the single feather P5-P9, outer-webs are obvious darker than inner-webs when looking closer at the outer primaries. Sub-terminal chevrons most obvious on inner primaries. Pattern of tail-band broken by much vermiculation, where typical kumlieni shows a more solid band, especially on the centres of the feathers. below: 1cy, December 19 2011, Neeltje Jans, the Netherlands. Pictures: Marcel Klootwijk.below: 2cy, January 04 2012, Neeltje Jans, the Netherlands. Pictures: Pim Wolf.below: 2cy, January 15 2012, Neeltje Jans, the Netherlands. Pictures: Kris de Rouck. |