Iceland Gull (kumlieni) 1st cycle (2CY), February 14 2015, Surf Club - Madison, CT. Picture: Keith Mueller.Age 2cy: showing dark bill and dark iris. Wing-tip pattern is a plain brown wash over the centre of the outer primaries and extending almost to the feather tips. The outer 5 primaries show dark outer webs and pale inner-webs and a dark ‘hook-back’ at the wing-tips. These dark outer primaries contrast with less well marked, paler inner primaries. In this pattern it recalls 1st cycle (juvenile primaries in) thayeri. Multiple proximal lining and spotting in tail; the tail-bar contrasts with paler brown/creme, barred uppertail-coverts. A dark tail-bar is present in 15% glaucoides, in 80-95% kumlieni (Zimmer 1991). The tail-bar of kumlieni is often rather uniform, just with faint pale (often broken) mottling at tip of tail and along edges of T1-T2, whereas tail-bar of glaucoides typically consists of narrow bars melting together. Thayer’s usually has darker, mud-brown tail-bar with pale mottling restricted to base and edges of rectrices. Note dark secondary bar. Primary category: -- |