glaucoides - kumlieni

(last update: January 26, 2012)

Dave Brown (Canada)
Bruce Mactavish (Canada)
Chris Gibbins (Scotland)
Peter Adriaens (Belgium)
Mars Muusse (Netherlands)

Kumlien's Gull (kumlieni) 3cy, January 22 2012, St John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Picture: Bruce Mactavish.

Age 2nd winter: showing band on bill, patterned 2nd generation coverts, patterned undertail coverts, rounded 2nd generation primaries and dark iris.

Primary category: --

Few scapulars show adult-like grey tone. Outer primaries at the pale spectrum, obviously paler than the vermiculation of the coverts and tertials. Still, exposed part of P6 obvious paler than outer primaries. Some stippling on primary tips.