glaucoides - kumlieni

(last update: January 26, 2012)

Dave Brown (Canada)
Bruce Mactavish (Canada)
Chris Gibbins (Scotland)
Peter Adriaens (Belgium)
Mars Muusse (Netherlands)

Iceland Gull 2nd cycle (3CY), January 12 2012, Klaksvík, Faroes. Picture: Silas Olofson.

Difficult bird, with outer primaries showing slightly darker outer-webs than inner-webs. These outer-webs on the outer pirmaries are paler than the pattern on the inner primaries, which would suggest glaucoides. But note dark 'hook-back' on primary tips, which is in line with kumlieni.

Maybe best left unidetified to sub-species. Bird showed up at Faroes in a period with 'brown-winged' glaucoides.