Kumlien's Gull (kumlieni) 2nd cycle & 3rd cycle C2 January 2012 & January 2013, St John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Picture: Bruce Mactavish & Peter Adriaens.Yellow C2 and Fed band no 1106-18516, banded in winter on January 16 2012, in St. John's, Newfoundland (LAT: 47.80833; LON: -52.80833). Hatched in 2010. below: kumlieni 2nd cycle (3CY) C2 January 27 2012, St John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Picture: Bruce Mactavish. Age 2nd cycle: showing band on bill, patterned 2nd generation coverts, patterned rump, rounded 2nd generation primaries and dark iris. Primaries with greyish centres. Age 4cy: showing many signs of immaturity. Note pale iris. |