Iceland Gull (kumlieni) K6 2nd-11th cycle (3CY-12CY), March 2015 - January 2024, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lisa de Leon, Lancy Cheng & Frank King.Yellow K6, banded as 1st cycle in winter on January 28th, 2014 (HY=2013), in St. John's, Newfoundland (LAT: 47.80833; LON: -52.80833). below: Iceland Gull (kumlieni) K6 11th cycle (12CY), January 08 2024, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lancy Cheng.below: Iceland Gull (kumlieni) K6 9th cycle (10CY), January 27 2022, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lancy Cheng.below: Iceland Gull (kumlieni) K6 8th cycle (9CY), January 29 2021, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lancy Cheng.below: Iceland Gull (kumlieni) K6 5th cycle (5CY), December 29 2017, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lancy Cheng.Adult plumage with immature feathers in the carpal edge. Pale outer primaries in immature plumage turned out to become a rather ill-defined primary pigmentation. below: Iceland Gull (kumlieni) K6 3rd cycle (4CY), February 12 2016, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lancy Cheng.Note adult-like secondaries (grey centre and white tips), black on bill and pale iris. below: Iceland Gull (kumlieni) K6 3rd cycle (4CY), January 21 2016, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Frank King.Frank's photostream on Flickr. below: Iceland Gull (kumlieni) K6 2nd cycle (3CY), March 10 2015, Quidi Vidi Lake, St. John's, Newfoundland. Picture: Lisa de Leon.Dark bill with paler base. |