glaucoides - kumlieni

(last update: January 26, 2012)

Dave Brown (Canada)
Bruce Mactavish (Canada)
Chris Gibbins (Scotland)
Peter Adriaens (Belgium)
Mars Muusse (Netherlands)

Iceland Gull (glaucoides) 4cy, January 14 - February 20 2012, Hoek van Holland, the Netherlands. Pictures: Peter Soer, Herman Bouman & Theo Muusse.

Age 4cy: showing almost clean bill with dark spot on lower mandible, several greater coverts and central tertials with brown shafts streaks, few markings on underwing coverts and central rectrices. Bird present for several weeks now.

Primary category: --

below: glaucoides 4cy, January 14 2012, Hoek van Holland, the Netherlands. Pictures: Peter Soer.

Iris pale straw-yellow in this individual. Faint pale brown wash on outer-web of primaries.

below: glaucoides 4cy, January 20 2012, Hoek van Holland, the Netherlands. Pictures: Herman Bouman.

below: glaucoides 4cy, January 24 2012, Hoek van Holland, the Netherlands. Pictures: Theo Muusse.

below: glaucoides 4cy, February 01 2012, Hoek van Holland, the Netherlands. Pictures: Theo Muusse.

below: glaucoides 4cy, February 20 2012, Hoek van Holland, the Netherlands. Pictures: Theo Muusse.