Iceland / Kumlien's Gull 4cy, January 21 - February 08 2012, Peterhead, Scotland. Picture: Chris Gibbins.Age 4cy: showing adult-like inner primaries, clean yellow bill, but several immature patterns on tail and on underwing coverts. Strongly patterned inner greater and outer lesser coverts probably indicate 4cy, not 5cy. "Ghosting" adult-like patterning on otherwise white primaries: darker outer-webs on P7-P10 combined with a sub-terminal band on P8, and these darker outer-webs on the primaries are noticable darker than the primary coverts. Note that the secondary centres look darker as well. Primary category: -- Iris without obvious speckling, pale yellow. above: January 21 2012.Note also pattern on tail-feathers. below: January 29 2012.below: February 08 2012.Bird below seems to missing the patterned tail feathers, and may therefore be another individual? |