Kumlien's Gull (kumlieni) adult, February 10 2007, St John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Pictures: Chris Gibbins.Age adult winter, lacking brown wash on primary coverts. Wingtip darkness score: 1.5 - medium-pale grey (Estimated Kodak 5-6). In the study by Howell & Mactavish, about 3% of Kumlien's Gulls in New Foundland belong to this category, see Table 1. Wingtip scoring for dark markings on P5-P10: 0-3-5-5-4-1. See Plate 1 for explanation. Wingtip pattern category: Type M, Stage 4; darker grey or more extensive grey marks on the outer five primaries with complete subterminal bands on zero to three primaries. See primary patterns for explanation. In the study by Howell & Mactavish, about 55% of Kumlien's Gulls in New Foundland belong to this category, see Table 2. Iris colour variation: 2 - pale greenish or yellowish, moderately marked with brown. In the study by Howell & Mactavish, about 18% of Kumlien's Gulls in New Foundland belong to this category, see Table 3. Classification on speckling: Class 3 - speckling 5%-25%, see iris speckling). |